[quote=@ReusableSword] [centre] [hider=Victor Asimov] Picture will be added when I get home -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Victor Asimov Age 17 years, 4 months Gender Male Birth-date / Location November 20th, Oslo Norway, 1931 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance Strong and tall are two such things one would say about the half Russian half Norwegian boy at first glance, then they would notice the blond hair, beard, and blue eyes. The boy stands at just over 6'3” and weighs 245 lbs. he is no stranger to hard work and his body shows it. muscular, fit with many signs of scars and abuse taken from the elements and others. His hair is shaved at the sides and a bit longer than what it's supposed to be on top, always pushed back towards his shoulders. He will normally be seen wearing the simple standard issue green working uniform with polished black combat boots, he's never really cared about being fancy and tends to keep his uniform neat enough to not get called out on it. Personality With being young, strong, and fast most would not be wrong to assume his attitude would be reckless and overconfident. However, Victor tends to be more withdrawn and careful especially when speaking to others. He tends to have an awful habit of being too blunt or not tactful enough in most situations. In turn this tends to make others think he is rude or shy. His body language normally portrays kindness and a willingness to protect others but in the heat of battle his eyes betray the cold killer that lies under the surface, one may even be able to see him smile. Relationships Will Be updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification Support Equipment Standard DP-28 LMG Standard TT-32 Sidearm Ulfberht sword (Family heirloom) 3x fragmentation grenades Experimental Gear The Hydraulic Assisted Armored Platform or HAAP Suit.([url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/52bd3db0-bce5-4edb-be8d-b26cf1df733c.jpg] [b]Light Armor[/b] [/url] / [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1290ef72-2cf2-4269-b624-42947f4c9fa6.jpg] [b]Heavy Armor[/b] [/url] just replace Nazi emblems with Soviet ones) Is the USSR's most recent attempt to combine the technology of the USSR and the German war machines, the USSR's scientists have merged the strength and toughness of a walking tank with the agility and finesse of an infantry soldier. The system works as an exoskeleton covered in semi rounded armor plating and powered by 2 experimental Tesla batteries. These batteries work to power the hydraulic pumps that assist the wearer in movement and strength while wearing the heavy armor. The full helmet and face mask does have the option of using gas filters and a mounted flashlight. The Tesla batteries can last up to 4 hours on a full charge. Electrical input is the fastest way to recharge the batteries, however if this is not applicable in the given situation small electric generators are housed in the legs and arms of the suit. These generators allow the batteries to be charged by movement and can be switched on and off with a few levers. The drawback to this is it makes the suit slower and harder to move for the user. For this and other reasons it is recommended that the user be strong and given the ability to properly train and grow stronger before extended use. The user also has the option to run one battery at a time doubling the duration but additionally hampering movement during this time. Caution is to be used while operating this suit as the batteries when damaged can discharge into the user and surrounding soldiers. This often results in the users death and can lead to electrical failure in nearby vehicles. It is also noted that operating the suit in hot temperatures may result in the user succumbing to dehydration if not mindful of the situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Victor was born November 20th 1931 in Oslo Norway, to an old Russian military man and veteran of the great war and a young beautiful Norwegian women who was an aspiring actress. Both were deeply in love and planned to live together in Norway with his fathers two children from another women and their new born son. But alas tragedy struck in the form of an infection that, even through many treatments would ultimately claim his mothers life a few months later. This would be something Victors father would blame him for, for the next 10 years. After this his father became depressed and turned to the bottle to help. Erasing his plans of living in Norway the man took his three children back to Russia and the USSR. There they would continue their lives in the family home they hopped would only be used for vacations. While his father took to long days at work in the propaganda department of the USSR and long nights out at the bars and out of the house his aunt and a few other family members helped to care for the children, his sister Sara who was 6 and his brother Ivan who was 8. For the next ten years his father would deal with his anger and unresolved issues by continually beating all of his kids. Victor learned early on how to stay out of the mans way and out of sight. For a time before his older brother left he would hide and let his brother take most of the beating. By the time he turned 8 and his brother was out of the house most days either working in the factories or doing training with the army to prepare for boot camp. This left 8 year old Victor and his rather frail 14 year old sister to his fathers wrath. It was at this time Victor started to stand up to his father, provoking him so he would come after him and not his sister. His sister by this time was very familiar with how to properly treat wounds and as such got plenty of training for the hospital while at home. When Victor turned ten he began to grow taller, stronger, and a bit more aggressive to the point where he was actively fighting back against his father. Still, to this day he is unsure of what prompted himself to do it but near his 11th birthday, after receiving a beating the night before, he ambushed his father with a wooden club. Beating the man to near death with the full intent of killing the man right then and there. Yet he stopped, the cruel father he had who showed very little emotion other than rage was crying. It took him a year for his father to finally come to terms with himself and get over his alcohol addiction. Victor wouldn't be able to trust the man for a few more years to come, it was strange that after 12 years he finally had someone who he could call father. Being the only child left in the household with his sister off to nursing school and his brother off somewhere in the soviet air force left just him and his father. He slowly began to trust the man as they began to go hunting, his father teaching him how to shoot, track, clean a kill, and survive. After a few years Roman began teaching him how to wield a sword and about the old Norse gods, a tradition passed from father to son on his mothers side. He knew that being openly religious would not be acceptable if he went on to be a soldier, so he practices in private and try's to keep it a secret. Victors mothers parents never had a son so they passed on the knowledge to Roman who was planning on teaching it to both his sons before Anita died. This was normal for him up until his 17th birthday, before this he would work with the local farms or construction crews around the city, growing stronger by the day. Then on his 17th birthday he signed up with the Soviet army, maybe while he was there he could help or protect others. His father wished him the best of luck and gave him their family sword to use in combat, Victor always just figured his father pulled some strings or called in a few favors to allow him to keep it. Boot camp was interesting, the physical part wasn't anything he wasn't used too. He was able to pick up on the structure and daily routine of the military fairly well. After a little while he was even able to bond with a few of the other recruits and was looking forward to going to Moscow with them. That was until the letter, when they were being told where they were going he was pulled aside by an officer and given his orders. He was being assigned to a top secret project, something called Squad 914. Experience Basic training - 3 months survival and hunting skills - 5 years Family Mother - Anita Asimov (Maiden name - Larsen) - Deceased Father - Roman Asimov - Holds a high position within the soviet propaganda department Half Brother - Ivan Asimov - Soviet Bomber Pilot Half Sister - Sara Asimov - Hospital nurse in Kirov Theme Song [url=https://youtu.be/QZm4zseMok0] [b]Sabaton-Primo Victoria[/b][/url] [/hider] [/centre] [@LetMeDoStuff] so this is what I got, let me know if you would like me to change things. [/quote] Alright! It's good to go!