When first she'd arrived at the sleepy little village, Ashlynn had been fairly shocked. It seemed so... ignominious a location for the Graduation Ceremony, one of the most important events of the year - she understood that a large part of being a trainer was roughing it in the woods, of course, but to have your party in a town full of rustics? Credit where credit was due, however, they had actually managed to put together a respectable little affair. After a few more glasses of champagne, Ashlynn might even be able to enjoy herself here. "Come along, Whiskey," she called out sharply as she turned away from the catering table, consciously avoiding the crowd of congratulators and instructors and well-wishers milling about the place. Her diminutive companion trundled after her obediently, his massive ears twitching as he snuffled along the ground for discarded food. Ashlynn repressed a faint smile - as common as the Nidoran was, and as much of a glutton as her particular specimen seemed to be, she'd be lying if she said she hadn't developed a certain fondness for the creature. There was something rather enjoyable about having a bundle of poisonous spikes at your beck and call. Ashlynn strode across the party confidently, exchanging quick pleasantries with a few of the other party-goers. She laughed at a few bad jokes, listened to some dreadfully boring anecdotes, and accepted tired advice with a smile and a sage nod or two. Much as she loathed this kind of social networking, it was never too early to start meeting important people in one's chosen field, even if most of these 'dignitaries' seemed more self-important than anything else. At length, she spied a few of her fellow graduates standing over by some marble columns - they seemed to have the right idea, staying out of the larger party, and it might be useful to get to know them. Ashlynn whistled for her pokemon to follow her and walked over confidently. A young man who wore a military uniform and looked rather dreadfully worn out, not to mention his missing arm. The other two were girls, one poised in front of the other almost protectively, and she was apparently... blind. Good [i]grief.[/i] "Ashlynn Ivy," she announced as she approached, bowing her head slightly in a polite introduction and speaking in her stiff, upper-class Vermillion City accent. "Charmed to make the acquaintance of my fellow trainers-to-be."