[center][h3][b]Group One: Ignatus, Targild, Kaleo, Kain[/b][/h3] [@Paddiecake][@Mae][@Tenma Tendo][@Orpheus][/center] [hider=Group 1][center]There was scuffling from outside the train and the padding of feet as the creatures continued to prowl nearby.[/center] [@Orpheus] Cain: You hear them as you work away, craning to hear above your beating head and ragged breathing. You prepare yourself should they ram at the door, but such an attack never comes. If anything, they seem to be getting quieter. You could laugh at that. [@Paddiecake] Ignatus: You strain your eyes as they adjust in the darkness and finally see where the blood is coming from. A little in front of you - not that far at all - must be the outer walkway where two carriages connected. Just as it clicks in your head that you're not too far from freedom, you hear a [i]creaaaaak[/i] from behind you. [i]Snap.[/i] You feel the metal pole scewer itself into your belly before you even see the wicked thing glint in the darkness. It's short, thick, and beyond painful, standing straight on end in your gut. There's barely a couple inches between the end of it and the bottom of the carriage. Though the thought barely crosses your mind as the excruciating pain blossoms behind your eyelids, getting out from under here just got a whole lot harder. [@Tenma Tendo] Kaleo: You turn and point at the beasts outside the train only to be met with the sound of cackling,a wet [i]thump[/i] and a creak from down the engine-room side. Before you have time to react to the lumbering patchwork beast that launches towards you it is upon your chest, throwing you back against the ground. [/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Two: Farran, Melanie, Castiel, Llyod[/b][/h3] [@Tenma Tendo][@Mae][@Fox of Spades][@SilverDawn][/center] [hider=Group 2] As you debate whether to set off on an adventure, the adventure decides to come to you. It starts with a low hissing sound that only Farran and Lloyd pick up on at first. But it's hard not to hear the torrent of water pounding down the steps in huge waves that followed next. Or see them as they crash towards you and begin to fill up the cobbled chamber you find yourselves in. How long do you think it'll take to fill up entirely with water...? [@Mae] Melanie: As you reach out in concern to help Farran with his nosebleed, the largest wave slams into you and whisks you against the wall. Perhaps it was because you were closest to the origion of the water, but all you know is you're winded and a pain is shooting up your once-outstretched arm as you are tugged underwater. [@Tenma Tendo] Farran: Though perhaps Melanie took the brunt of the current from beside you, you find yourself caught up in the torrent of water that cascades through the room. You're able to keep your head above water, but find yourself tugged this way and that as it crashes about. [@SilverDawn] Lloyd: You see the wave hit just in time to prepare yourself for the brunt of it. The current is strong but you don't get swept away. [@Fox of Spades] Castiel: With your quick thinking you grab onto the carriage. As the water rises you manage to crime on top, safe on (currently) dry metal. [/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Three: Oxe, Humphrey, Alexis, Crusz, Viola[/b][/h3] [@Paddiecake][@Mae][@Haru Nyan][@Fox of Spades][/center] [hider=Group3] The mists thicken and swirl around you. Where were you supposed to be going again? It seems so far away now. [@Paddiecake][@Fox of Spades] Oxe, Alexis, Viola: As Viola mentions the eerie nature of the tea set the chairs jump to life unstacking themselves. They scooted up Viola till she was comfily seated, they scoot up Alexis, they try to scoot up Oxe but instead knocked him off balance onto the ground. [@Paddiecake] Oxe: The chair does not seem to accept it's failure to scoop you up and keeps trying to get you up and onto it by any means regardless of the bruises it inflicts on you. [@Paddiecake] Alexis: The chairs seem to quite like you and start parrading you round the table. They jump up onto it, spinning around the teapot in the centre. Even the cups themselves start to zigzag out from the chair legs. The chairs dance and stretch like they're alive. [@Fox of Spades]Viola: Your chair shuffles forward to seat you at the table, bopping to the sound of an invisible beat. A cup swivels across the table towards you. [@Haru Nyan]Crusz & [@Mae] Humphrey: As the pair of you explore the mists, you come into view of a trunk sitting on the ground. It's brown with silver latches and no locks.[/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Four: Wakana, Rowen, Diane[/b][/h3] [@Tenma Tendo][@Kore][@Moonlit Sonata][/center] [hider=Group 4][center] Doors. You're pretty sure each carriage only had two to start with.[/center] Now there were four in each compartment, two either end and two either side. The third door had looked inconspicious enough that no one had noticed it, but the forth door was crooked at the top. Wakana [@Tenma Tendo]: You are the first to hear the rhythmic call of a drum behind one of the doors. The sound alone is a bit offputting, but it's soon joined by the sound of a saxophone and bass. Diane [@Moonlit Sonata]: BANG BANG BANG. Goes the new door, followed by the sound of fingernails down a blackboard.[/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Five: Michael, Druuk, Sinéad[/b][/h3] [@Burthstone][@Duskshine749][@Orpheus][/center][hider=Group 5]The train continued up, up, up into the sky, but it didn't stop there. Up, up, up it went into the stars, and below the true extent of World's End could be seen. The fractured mess of magic and mystery stretching far out beyond the natural extent of the planet, enchanted waterfalls dissapearing into the void, floating islands dancing out the reach of gravity, sense or sight. Great beasts made of night and starlight roamed between them, catching tiny sparkles on the ether currents. How were you breathing up here? How far did this insanity stretch onwards into space? It was mind boggling. [center][color=gold]"We've stolen you!" "Hooray!" "Hoorah!" "You belong to us now!" [/color][/center] came the voices that sung from all around you, echoing about the train. [@Duskshine749] The little star shakes itself from side to side, as if to find some hidden corner in the pouch in which to lay in wait. It seems baffled by your ability to discover it's clearly ingenious hiding place. [center][color=gold]"You found me you found me! Why, I am clearly hiding! I'm the best at hiding! And now, watch me dissapear!"[/color][/center] It zipped out the bag before your eyes, and then very sneakily hid juuust behind the back of your head. Hah! Ingenious. There was no way he'd find [i]this[/i] hiding place. [@Burthstone] Michael: The little starlets protect you from spinning out into the ether, despite you flying alongside the train rather then on it. Every so often you feel a gentle invisible push as if to keep you alongside the train. It seems more of a safety precaution then anything, you're sure thye'd let you fly off if you wanted to. [@Orpheus] Sinead: It seems you had not gone unnoticed by the small glowing things. They sparkled as they picked up on your choice of words, one of them zipping over from behind Michael and dusting a light golden layer of something about your shoulders. [center][color=gold]"Heavens yes! Heavens yes! We are the heavens! Hello! Hello! Welcome to the heavens! Be the heavens with us! Yes! Yes! Fly and shine![/color][/center] That's when you realised your feet were lifting off the ground.[/hider]