[i]Mansour Ayem-Seht[/i], she wrote across the page, or at least a close approximation based on elven spelling, fittingly within the gloomy shadow cast down by the man himself. Something beckoned her to look upward to address him, so reluctantly she did. This was no kobold or Lizardman, but something that required more consideration. Not just a human—oh no, most of them were [i]quite[/i] unremarkable—but a human who was somewhat about himself. These were always the more dangerous sorts. They never followed the rules. Just as a passing though, Wynn casually measured the distance between him and herself and mentally inserted the types of weapons that could extend beyond the gap. She leaned back slightly. “My name is Don’t-Have-Time-For-Pleasantries, Mansour.” She looked down at her page again. “If you don’t mind.” Wynn begin to fill in the other fields for the man’s personal file, including an estimate of age and measurements including height, weight, and relative state of health. She marked ‘able’. “Elves wield magic better than most races, in fact,” she casually explained, not to appease his curiosity so much as encourage him to make this as simple and swift as possible. His was one of hundreds of names she had already penned down in the last week. “But sailors don’t know the half of it, I assure you. A warrior-[i]monk[/i], did you say?” Wynn ran over a mental list of possible places within the Cooperative which that sort of aptitude could serve. Bodyguard, gladiator, weapons trainer, manual labor. He might serve with the border scouts, fighting giant arachnids and overgrown drakes venturing too close to Cooperative operations. “Please specify religion, deity, or philosophy which you serve,” she listed off dully. “And did you say you had anyone else to document, or are you alone? A wife or sister or what-have-you will be considered along with your placement. Do you understand what the Cooperative is, Mansour?" The question was genuine, not harsh, but it was every bit as perfunctory as her previous inquiries. "We shall endeavor to accommodate you based on your individual talents.”