Right on! I've specified that there are five kingdoms and there are four of us here, plus one "maybe" I've been speaking to. Now seems a good time to push for some sheets/sheet concepts to talk about. Map is still on the way, though I should have it up by tonight. [hr] [@bloonewb] Other than info in the OP, the conceptual stuff I have for mind in Yevism is not exactly a wallbreaking development to the world of fictional religions, so just try to picture any large-scale hierarchical religious order. The clergy is full of bearded ascetics, places of worship are symmetrical and tidy, and holidays usually center around feasting and praising effigies. If you're thinking of writing a particularly pious house or one with connections to the church, I've compiled some of my scattered Yevism notes, which I'll try to add to later. [hider=Yevism] • Because of the known correlation with the moons and the tide, Eirtu & Elonar are frequently depicted as speaking to mortals through storms, maelstroms, lagoons, and as aquatic mythological creatures. This aquatic theme is also seen in nearly all Yevist temples through hand washing -- either from lavish fountains or doorside buckets -- as part of a ritualistic cleansing before one can enter a temple. For this reason, churchgoers get sick less frequently than the godless. Yevist baptisms are performed with either salt or fresh water, depending on the location, which has been blessed by a Black Brother. • According to Yevism's creation story, Eirtu was not born, but simply always [i]has been[/i]. He created many planets and celestial bodies, some of which can be tracked by Ardacian astronomers, but eventually grew tired of this, so he created a wife in Elonar, and a planet for the two to live on -- [abbr=that's right. i refuse to make up a planet name.]Earth.[/abbr] Because Eirtu had created her from the same elements used to create the plants and animals, she was [i]alive[/i], but only in the lesser sense that these beings are, until Eirtu breathed a little less than half of his "life force" into her. The two lived on Earth for hundreds of years, creating the forests and mountains and seas, before finding that the planet they had created was perfect. To inhabit their perfect creation would be the Children of Eirtu, who were fathered after Eirtu breathed nearly all of his remaining energy into Elonar, who sired and birthed his hundred children the following night. Each possessed a fragment of their father's energy and power, and each used it to create the imperfections and blights of the otherwise idyllic planet; Diseases, Insects, Dire Beasts, Volcanoes, and so on. Drained of nearly all of his energy and accordingly transformed into an elderly man, Elonar summoned a titanic wave to bring her husband and herself to the skies, where they would watch over their children as the two moons. The dissipation of Eirtu's life force from generation to generation is believed to be the reason magic has nearly left the world. • The sins of Yevism are fairly standard, and due to the church's closeness with governing lords and kings, have effected Ardacian law since its inception. The only difference I can think of between what Yevists believe to be a sin and what Catholics believe to be a sin is that Yevists have lesser sins, which are sins to oneself; Substance abuse, homosexuality, infidelity, and so on. You can atone for these lesser sins by donating to the church.[/hider]