[center][h2][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170702/56a566aed12f0445df4f892ae9334f10.png[/img][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fcdRxkv.png[/img][h3][color=A9BA9D]Group 5[/color] [color=A9BA9D]Location:[/color] Flying Train || [color=A9BA9D]Action:[/color] Looking Down --> Talking to Starthings --> Talking to Sinead|| [color=A9BA9D]Mood:[/color] Suspicious --> Curious --> Mix of Excited and Anxious [/h3][color=A9BA9D]Interacting with:[/color] Starthings [@Mae], Sinead [@Orpheus], and Druuk [@Duskshine749] [/center] [center][color=gold]"We've stolen you!" "Hooray!" "Hoorah!" "You belong to us now!" [/color][/center] Michael didn't like the word "stolen." So many things this side of the gate tried to 'steal' things from you that the word practically meant 'you're going to regret everything.' There were things that stole souls, stole hearts, stole bodies, stole... Children. It was especially bad for humans, who generally lacked the supernatural powers to prevent any of it. Michael looked down to shift himself over to one of the small balconies between the two train cars, so as to not worry the woman he had just met, and saw the world beyond The Gate for what it really was. It was an... Interesting patchwork to say the least. Nothingness in some places, everything in others. He noticed one green forest with a black line that pointed straight at- The star flitting over to Sinead distracted him, and he watched it fly over and around her shoulders. Michael smirked and looked back down at the landscape, but couldn't find what he had been looking at again. The lapse in concentration was also enough for him to realize that he should be asking questions, not just going along with this. Clearing his throat, Michael finally managed to speak to the stars around his head. [color=a9ba9d]"So, if you're stealing us, where are you stealing us too?"[/color] He asked, hoping the question would be considered innocuous. The very last thing Michael wanted was to anger the starthings. [center][color=gold]"To the sky! To our home! Safe now, yes! Watch the world now, yes! Shine like us now! Becomes stars like us now! Meet Regulus and join the heavens!"[/color][/center] [i]Regulus?[/i] Was the first thing that Michael thought. The way they said it, they were definitely the starthings leader, but something that is these things leader would have to be pretty powerful. [color=a9ba9d]"Hey, uh, if it's okay for me to ask, what is Regulus?"[/color] The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could think about them. [center][color=gold]"The King of the Stars! He will love to see you! He shines the brightest!"[/color][/center] That hadn't been quite what Michael had been hoping for for an answer, but it quietly made him more excited. Maybe, just maybe... For a moment his imagination got away from him, and he reigned it back in, and turned to Sinead to distract himself. [color=a9ba9d]"Uh, sorry for ignoring you for a second. I'm Michael by the way,"[/color] he offered his hand to her, or took her still-outstretched one if she kept it out. [color=a9ba9d]"Oh, and for the little star... Thing about your shoulders? Just think 'up.'"[/color]