Sizzling on the pan were five strips of bacon, bought from a store nearby to where Emanuel had all his ingredients in one place, ready for him to perform his craft. The fat drained and the bacon was left on a rack to cool, the grease dripping slowly onto the sheet underneath. Onto the pan, Emanuel placed a whole pound of minced burger meat stuffed with cheese, sizzling from the bacon grease still on the pan. The aroma was mouthwatering. All the elements came together: Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. They converged into a single meal, Emanuel having just finished toasting two buns. He took a bottle of his special, spicy sauce made with the help of some of the fire attuned at the school, spraying a healthy portion onto the bottom bun before placing down a bed of lettuce and a ring of red onion from the pan. Next, he placed on his large slab of meat and laid down two strips of bacon, before placing down the last bit of his burger, the final piece of the puzzle: the bun. It was placed among four each similar to it, but each also unique if one had the acute taste for such a thing. Whatever was going on around him was of no concern. This last burger was his own, Emanuel taking a single bite out of it. Just as he thought, it had taken him to flavor town. He quickly finished his meal, looking at the others. They were not worthy of this experience.