(It's just [@MrDidact] and I this time. We might be exiting the Time of Long Posts.) Through book after book she searched, looking through the long line of Celtigars and their convoluted past. Which one out of these possible hundreds are worth questioning? Any one of these could be involved in this fabricated scandal, and there is no way to speak to them all before the end of her life. No matter, however. That was not what she came to see. Her eyes wandered from the Celtigar line to the pages regarding the North. There, sitting in front of her, was her primary task. The pages of the lines of the Northern houses stretched on, winding about and extending across many chapters. Each line represents a claimant. Each line is an opportunity to throw the situation back into her favor. The archive that Cathay was in was normally reserved for the Maesters in service to the Iron Throne, but a special section had been cordoned off for the purposes of the investigation. There was a knocking at the door and Sansa Stark, now known as Lannister, appeared. She was flanked by two Knights Inquisitor, the newly minted order of knights that would serve to bring the King's Justice across the realm, in light of the banditry epidemic and ongoing rebellions. Both men had golden plate with an insignia of the Father holding scales on the breastplate. Sansa crossed into the room and gestured for her men to stand by the door. She inclined her head at Cathay, "Cathay, I trust you fare well. I know my brother has entrusted you with this vital task. You have always been clever, so you may serve well. If your performance is commendable, perhaps a suitable husband could be found to reward your leal service. There a number of young northern lords who could suffice. And not simply a Whitehill or Norrey, do this well enough and I could convince Lord Glover to offer one of his sons or Lord Hornwood. A Cerwyn perhaps." The Mistress of Laws looked over Cathay's shoulder at the book, "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Have you found anything so far?" "You honor me, my lady," Cathay said, turning upon hearing Sansa's voice. She grabbed her skirt and dropped into a curtsey. "I feel as if I do not deserve it. My house is ever small, and I don't wish to be a burden on the Glovers or Hornwoods." She flipped her books to the relevant pages and gestured to the work she has done. "This is it, my lady. I based my findings on the assumption that only those present at court were involved in the plot, but I feel strongly otherwise. There are simply too many. The Celtigars are not shy with bastards, my lady, and they populate the courts of all seven kingdoms. However, if I were to make a guess, I would claim the head of the plot to be old Ardrian Celtigar. He was a former bannerman of the late King Joffrey, and would have good reason to topple the Targaryen family's shining reputation. He is old enough, and influential enough within the family to call in favors from a large number of people. That is all I am prepared to say." Sansa frowned slightly in thought, "Yes the Celtigars are quite a large house, wayward sons of theirs or bastards can be seen in quite a few courts. But they are particularly numerous here in King's Landing and at my son's court in Dragonstone. Several of the brood are officers in the Gold Cloaks, several more are captains in the royal navy or retainers of some note. If this is a conspiracy, it will be difficult to root out how deep it may go. I expect my sister will have to help investigate." "As for Ardrian.... he may have supported Joffrey after the Blackwater, but many did. He is like many lords in that he is only loyal to his own self-interests. If he is involved in this, I expect his motives are not petty slander. He may not be Lord Celtigar anymore but Jonquil is his great-grandchild. He would have a vested interest in proving the nature of the babe's parentage. And Ardrian would have at least some sway over Lord Celtigar. I expect his motives are to secure some kind of boon for the House if he is involved. He would do this to elevate the House." "But there are plenty of other Celtigars who would do this just to spite the Targaryens, to slight them the way that they have been slighted throughout history. Jonquil's siblings may have hatched this scheme in order to remove her from the septry, I hear that she was packed off against her will by her father. If true, it could be a plot to install Jeyne back as a lady of court. Possibly even attempt to persuade Aemon to set Julianna aside for her or take her as a paramour. And perhaps most dangerously of all, the babe might be some pawn in a greater scheme. A seditious one even. A plot to usurp the position of my grandchild, Juliannaa's child." Sansa was obviously troubled by the prospect, though she hid it admirably, "The truth of the matter may not be definitively found until Aemon returns to court, and that could take some time. But Jonquil did confess this to the High Septon. His Holiness may have to be investigated as well. And someone will have to talk to the Celtigars here at court. Do you have any thoughts on how to proceed?" "You would do well to turn an ear away from my ideas, my lady," Cathay said, taking the book off of the desk and setting it upon a nearby shelf. There were too many people to investigate as it is, and now Sansa is trying to implicate the Sept, including the High Septon. There was no good place to start, and the evidence she could find in the pages were contrived and not firmly rooted. "I leave the matter in your hands, my lady. If you would do me the honor of leaving your humble servant to her work." Sansa nodded, "Quite. I'll have my Inquisitors ask questions. And you can bet that Arya's agents will be on the job as well. I want a report sent of your progress by next morning. And if you wish to join your lady mother, some other ladies, and I for dinner you are of course invited. Good day Cathay." Sansa exited the room, prim and proper, her golden knights following on her tails and shutting the door behind her. Cathay turned back to her records and went right for the Northern houses again. She was always afraid of wolves, and now two were perpetually looking over her shoulder, watching her. The one northern house that cannot be overestimated is the Stark family, topped with gold, warriors, and old traditionalism. Such a house must have much to hide. A thorough look over their family tree revealed as much. They made strange marriages over many years, sometimes with the Freys in centuries past, many times with the Reeds to keep power over the Crannogmen . . . quickly, she gathered her records and replaced them in their places. Must not get ahead of herself now. She was Bolton, and Boltons had to remain practical. An opportunity will show itself to the patient soon enough.