[@Ammokkx] Angelo sighed as she complained about him not trusting her enough with not checking what she put in and for that he said [color=1a7b30]"you tell me, would you trust a friend with your newborn child? This is the same principle I may trust you but I'll still be worried and this is easier to check"[/color] he said with a shrug as if it was normal. No newborn mother would allow anyone to touch their baby after all because they would be worried to no end at least as far as he knew. He then looked at the coupon she gave him as she said that it involved the duel puzzle beta version. He has heard about it but he never gave it much thought. He had to admit the fact that their were dragunity monsters on the coupon raised a flag for him and he knew that it would be a good idea to at least check this out. He then got up stretching before he put everything away with his duel runner and he made his way to the simulation area to check and see about starting that puzzle...