[@Melo]It's a very slippery slope in terms of compulsion and control over another players character, as Co-gm, I don't doubt that you'll use the ability within reasonable grounds, that being said it would be far better to not even have the possibility for an argument or the prospect of this arising. Ylonia is about love, emotion, and these are very compelling, but not controlling, or at the very least you have the ability to overcome them, would it not be better to have the ability remodelled a bit to compel them to do it, and if they don't they suffer as a result of this, like hiding you emotions and burying them do in real life, rather than just having an ability that is basically, an order that you [b]must[/b] fulfil. I'm of the position that control of ones character should never be in dispute, it saves a lot of trouble, but ultimately, it's your decision, I just hope you give it some thought.