[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Selvina looked down towards her familiar taking a sigh out as the fox continued to put on her act. She gave a smile towards Le Clothe who was becoming more and more confused as she turned to look at the kitten and gave her plenty of pettings on the head that would likely make the real Maoin turn into little more than a pile of perpetual meows. [color=gray]"Sly, I know that you're new to this ..."[/color] To be fair, the mage legitimately wasn't too certain how the clothing situation worked either in this case. She'd never worn a maid's outfit or even extremely girly clothes for that matter. But to help the familiar would likely mean them ending up in private and therefore having her suddenly become mean again. Selvina took a knee and looked into the familiar's eyes. [color=gray]"... and I've never worn something like this before either. If you are a good girl and aren't too shy I'm sure Le Clothe wouldn't mind showing us how this works. He's helped tailor clothes for plenty of girls after all, I'm sure he's seen someone not fully dressed before. I'll have him help me with mine alongside you if that'll make you feel better."[/color] The mage gave off a slight smile. [color=gray]"If you're a good kitty and cooperate I'll be sure to take you out to your favorite restaurant and give you plenty of affection, alright? You're a good kitty, aren't you Sly?"[/color] Le Clothe was fidgeting in the background slightly - not because he wasn't willing to help or anything, but rather because by now he was certain this cat was twins or an illusion of some sort of the cat that had been here just the day before. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] The cat let out an uncomfortable MEW as her face and body impacted into the ground uncomfortably, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow and breathing more heavily than she probably should have been. [color=darkslateblue][i]At least Lady Sorcha doesn't wear armor ... how am I supposed to get past this?[/i][/color] The cat remembered what her mistress had instructed her to do at all times. Maoin seemed to spin back into a standing position but as she did so she reached into her dress and threw a dagger straight at Lady Lightsword's face, waiting just a moment and using her cat-like reflexes to see how Luna intended to block it, then [i]stabbing[/i] as swiftly as she could at where the glove would be and hoping to avoid the sword's guard. It was a leather glove, but a good stab from a sharp sword would hopefully make it's way through. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] Fia's cheeks suddenly matched the color of her hair, the girl seeming somehow embarrassed. She'd just been entertaining the silly girl after all. Livia would likely be surprised how the normally shy phoenix stood up, crossed her arms and announced loudly. [color=salmon]"Of-Of course NOT! She's just an annoying fool that just chases after people!"[/color] Though her expression fell for a second as she remembered the hydra mentioning being alone ... then it hardened once more as she shook that thought away. It would be incredibly the girl was likely lying both to Livia and to herself however as both the bond and her expression indicated for more than a few moments that she would likely be saddened if Ritsa didn't actually show up. The girl's normally quieter voice returned after a couple of moments. [color=salmon]"... besides ... paperwork ... fun ..."[/color] Fia was a really horrible liar, at least. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NPEcX6A.png[/img][/center] [color=blue]"Well you just jump up obviously."[/color] That's how the prowler of the night had done it anyways. Meowka looked down at the teacher as if slightly perplexed. [color=blue]"I can't read the signs - can't the dolls go on their own anyways? Isn't that what they are here for?"[/color] The cat looked slightly over the edge at what her new owner was working on. Some sort of ... diagrams? She couldn't read any words at least. [color=blue]"What are you doing anyways, Mistress Katherine?"[/color] It seemed like something was seriously occupying her attention at the moment, and suddenly curiosity flowed into the cat's veins.