[hider=The Misadventures of Penny and Thalia] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170615/43e17457caa6a0a9fdbfeac4e8542da1.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170708/4b2ea72030f02a0f167f8b7c5a2bcae4.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170702/3d8cfa48780d5b91bec63ac260744143.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]:Dawn of the Second Day: [s] - 48 Hours Remain - [/s][/sub][/center] Thalia giggled as her mount stopped dead in her tracks and faltered, blazing even more red than her Engine of Destruction. [colour=Silver]"Awwww, come on cu~utie~"[/colour] the Kitsune teased, shifting herself to make the moment even more embarrassing and awkward, [colour=Silver]"Can't a girl have some fun~?"[/colour] she pouted childishly, before quickly returning to her normal, innocent, if a little cheeky, smile. Penny's only response was an inelegant squawk as she struggled for a coherent response. One wasn't forthcoming; eventually the Cyborg just gave up trying and instead resumed her jog once more. The blush didn't leave, if anything it had gotten even more pronounced, though one might be able to notice a small grimace on the girls face as she focused on putting one foot in front of the other as she jogged across the city. The fox girl giggled at her compatriots response, seemingly enjoying her friends torment and embarrassment much more thoroughly than she should have been. Eventually, after her burst of light laughter, she spoke up again as they began to continue their journey. [colour=Silver]"Don't worry, I was only joking~"[/colour] she said, intentionally getting as close as possible, [colour=Silver]"Well, not about the cutie part~"[/colour] at that, she stuck out her tongue, and quickly relaxed as they plodded along. It didn't take long for Penny to get them to her 'home', she could have gotten them here faster but that would have, literally, left foot prints across the city, leading anyone who felt like following them directly to where she slept. Not something the young monster girl was looking to do. Her lair was a small abandoned warehouse, hidden amongst a small collection of similarly abandoned industrial buildings. Though from the inside one might have easily mistaken it as a scrapyard, as there were piles of discarded scrap of all types, from cast off metal to broken down and disused computer parts littering the floor. There were some old shelves that had fallen in to each other, while others had simply fallen over or even apart and there were tarps were tossed around with abandon. For all intents and purposes it was a disaster zone of rusted jagged metal and loose cables. One could hardly find a safe place to step without risking injury let alone find a place to lie down. It was also a place that few could traverse safely, even if one was a Maho, as all the jagged metal had been honed to a razors edge. The cables had been placed intentionally to trip those who were careless or inattentive, and more than one of the piles was balanced so that they would topple over if disturbed at all. These changes elevated it from simple disaster to near literal death trap. Standing outside the building she called home, Penny stopped and took in a deep breath as some of the tension bled from her shoulders. [color=9e0039][b][u]”home, sweet home” [/u][/b][/color] she murmured affectionately a small smile gracing her features. This was her sanctuary, her refuge, and currently her most prized possession. As ever since she had been inducted in to the magical world the one thing she had lacked for any real length of time was a place to call hers. So this junk filled scrap heap was priceless to her. Without a second glance she strode in to the metallic hazard, she moved assuredly yet carefully, so as not to bump Thalia into any of the edges that seemed to be everywhere one would look. The debris that littered the floor didn’t both the metal girl, neither did either of the piles she carefully climb over, she was almost literally in her element. She made her way over to a collection of fallen shelving units that were covered in tarps and scrap. Gently she moved one of the metal shelves out of the way revealing a passage in to the depths of the shelving pile. Stepping through the small opening Penny used some of the only outward magic she could and lowered the makeshift door back in to place telekinetically, plunging the both of them in to darkness. The darkness lasted for only a moment as a flick of a switch could be heard and soon a row of what looked to be re-purposed Christmas light lit the surprisingly spacious hidden room. This hidden space was a far cry from disaster that hid it, as one could make sense of the place. In one corner of the area was a pile of cloth, vaguely resembling a bed or nest. There were a few chairs and even a table that had been cobbled together from various scrap, though they lacked the sharp edges that adorned everything outside. Quietly humming away tucked in to the web of metal that was used to hide this room one could see the refurbished electric motor responsible for powering the lights. There were a few cardboard boxes scattered about, each was labelled with a pair of dates as well as a basic descriptor of what was in them. Most said ‘Parts’ but a couple near the table read ‘Food’ or ‘Water’ and one near her bed simply read ‘Clothes’. The last thing to catch attention was the hole in the floor not far from the bed; it dropped down about four feet and seemed to lead to a large pipe, which lead off in too darkness. Unbeknownst to Thalia, the pipe lead to one of the other abandoned buildings that surrounded this one, and was barricaded shut. [color=9e0039][b][u]”Welcome to my little hideaway”[/u][/b][/color] Penny said after a moment the smile was still on her face but now held a touch of nervousness to it. Thalia cast her eyes across the awfully large, if still austere, room she found herself in. On the journey, she had been quite impressed at the lengths her friend took to cover her tracks and protect her lair; a roundabout method of arriving, plus a huge series of traps ready to spell the end for any unsuspecting intruder, magical girl or otherwise? She had to credit Penny, it was a fine job, if not an excellent one. She hopped off her back, and turned to the girl. [colour=Silver]"So this is the bat cave, huh? Where you mastermind your evil plans and concoct your malicious potions~?"[/colour] Thalia quipped, before running off to the side to scout around, intentionally looking inside all of the boxes to see if she could find anything incriminating and embarrassing. Most of the 'Parts' boxes were filled with salvaged bits of computers or various scrap that could still be used to build something as well as a few tools to do such. The 'Food' ones were filled with non-perishables, the 'Water' had bottled water. It would be in the lone box labelled 'Clothes' that Thalia would be able to find something to embarrass Penny, as it had all of the Mechanical girls civilian clothes stored inside. The mechanical girl was not yet aware of this pending embarrassment, she was currently grabbing a snack from one of the boxes as she noted an envelope laying on the table that hadn't been there before. Picking it up she could note it had a bit of weight to it and her name was written in script on the front. With a shrug she set it back down deciding to deal with it later and went back to grabbing food [color=9e0039][b][u]"I wouldn't call it the bat cave, not high tech enough, but it's my home for the time being[/u][/b][/color] She answered as she sat down and took a bite out of the protein bar she has dug out from her food stores. Pausing mid bite Penny cast a quick look at the bar then at herself. Rolling her eyes she Murmured something under her breath and a few seconds later she looked normal, as in she was no longer covered in metallic plates and her eyes were no longer glowing or shifting in color. Taking another bite she nodded in satisfaction [color=9e0039]"Much better"[/color] Finally she turned her attention back to her guest [color=9e0039]"So...What are you doing?"[/color] her first question was abandoned as she noted Thalia pointedly looking in all of the boxes. Thalia looked back at her friend, raising her head up from one of the boxes. [colour=Silver]"Well, I mean, its more high-tech than where I live."[/colour] she looked back down into the box, before standing up, finished with its contents, and proceeded to move onto the next, [colour=Silver]"Which is in the middle of... Well, nowhere."[/colour] she pulled open the lid of the box, [colour=Silver]"More precisely, I don't have anywhere to live!"[/colour] she turned back once more, and stuck out her tongue. As her Monstrous associate moved herself about the room, Thalia simply continued her avid exploration of Penny's belongings. Much to her dismay, most of it was of minimal note, but eventually she found her way to the only box that meant anything to her. She smirked, prying open the lid. [colour=Silver]"And what do we have here, then~?"[/colour] she said, aloud, very audibly, clearly trying to draw attention to her malevolent misdoings. [color=9e0039]"I don't normally have a place either, but this is sorta part of the deal Laat made with Beacon"[/color] The girl replied. Penny's groan was very audible when she finally saw the box that had taken Thalia's attention [color=9e0039]"Asking 'please' wont do anything will it?"[/color] She asked as she moved to try and mitigate to on coming embarrassment. The Kitsune smirked back, and continued digging through the assortment of mundane clothes that had been neatly placed inside the container. [colour=Silver]"Probably not~"[/colour] she teased, face completely covered by the box, [colour=Silver]"Guess you'll just have to come and stop me with force, huh~?"[/colour] With a sigh Penny moved to stand behind her friend [color=9e0039]"You asked"[/color] she replied quietly as she grabbed Thalia around the waist and attempted to drag her out of the wardrobe box. Obviously, Thalia had considered the possibility that Penny would try such a manoeuvre. And, since Penny was in her sealed form, she was at quite a disadvantage. Thalia had never really liked entering her humanoid form. It was always uncomfortable, like she was enclosed in a room that was just a bit too small for her body size. So, as Penny went to grab her waist, she ducked downwards, grabbing the first thing she could from the bottom of the box, and slipped between her legs. Then, she danced off behind her, holding aloft her newly acquired prize. [colour=Silver]"Laced panties~?"[/colour] she teased, observing them from all angles, [colour=Silver]"Girl knows how to please, I see~"[/colour] Once again Penny felt her face heat up as as furious blush spread across her face [color=9e0039]"They were the only ones I had enough money for at the time!"[/color] she nearly yelled as she desperately dove after Thalia in an attempt to get them back. Her embarrassment taking most rational thought with it, as she could easily out pace the Fox girl if she reverted back to her true form. As with the first time, Thalia dodged the sudden and clumsy attempt at retrieving the underwear. She skipped off in another direction, giggling like a school girl, and beckoned Penny forward. [colour=Silver]"You're gonna have to be a bit more [i]rough[/i] than that if you want to get them back~"[/colour] Taking a deep breath, in an attempt to calm herself, Penny turned once again to face her friend and dove once more at the fox girl. This time she wasn't aiming for the girl directly but instead one of her tails, from there she could move to try and immobilise her so she could try and get her panties back. Despite her sealed form her movement had a dangerous sharpness to them, as she still had all of her martial prowess just lacked most of her physical might. [color=9e0039][i]'I'll show you rough'[/i][/color] she growled internally. Thalia smirked widely, clearly enjoying their game. As Penny dove, she quickly went to dodge to the side. However, her smile dissipated almost immediately as she realised her mistake. [colour=Silver]"Ny-nyah!"[/colour] she involuntarily cried as her friend grabbed onto one of her many swishing tails, [colour=Silver]"N-n-not the tails..! Th-they're sensitive!"[/colour] as the girl tried to get away from her captor, she also hid her face, obscuring as best she could the sudden blush that had formed. Penny had a grin on her face as she stepped in and swept Thalia's legs our from under her not letting go of the tail she had nabbed as she did so. By luck, they had moved closer to the pile of cloth that Penny uses as a bed so the fall wan't as painful as it could have been. Quickly Penny straddled Thaila and retrieved her underwear from the now blushing Kitsune. [color=9e0039]"How's that..."[/color] Penny trailed off as the position they had ended up in caught up to her. Her blush deepened to a vibrant crimson and she went very, very still. Thalia, too, seemed equally surprised by the whole sequence. She let out a squeak as her body flipped and she collided with the soft bedding that she had been aligned with. The underwear had left her hand but she didn't seem to notice; her attention was very, very streamlined, and her blush had deepened to the same degree as Penny's, if not even more so. Before she could even utter a word, though, the sound of shifting metal drew her gaze. It wasn't enough to remove the tension from the air, but it was close to it. As quickly as it ceased, the noise sounded once more, and before them stood a green haired female, eyeing them curiously. The girl tilted her head to the side, confused, but then started giggling. [colour=Lime]"Whats this then, Thalia~? Am I interrupting something... Private, by chance~?"[/colour] she questioned teasingly, making certain that there was no doubt in what she was insinuating. Even though Penny had never seen the female before, it was quite obvious that she was of great power. That she was a God. It took a few seconds for Thalia to respond, her eyes wide and her face ablaze. After some time passed, she finally managed to croak out a single word. [colour=Silver]"L-L-Lothreen?!"[/colour] she cried, attempting to shift herself from Penny's grasp but failing. She was completely at mercy and she knew it. Penny's first response to the sound of shifting metal was one only Thalia would have been able to note as despite being in her sealed form one of Penny's eyes turned a dangerous crimson and her skin nearly lost all color. She hunched over Thalia protectively as she turned to see who the intruder in her domain was. The fact that both the newcomer and Thalia knew each other saw Penny's color return with a vengeance as Lothreen's words registered. It was when Thalia tried to get free that the disguised cyborg finally snapped back to her senses and carefully moved off her friend, The fact she could barely look at her at the moment likely going unnoticed. [color=9e0039]"U-umm"[/color] She stammered for a moment before swallowing drily [color=9e0039]"Greetings, to you who hold station in the stares. I am The Grey Lady, and would humbly request to know why you have come to my grounds"[/color] Despite the formal tone and language her blush had yet to recede. Lothreen once again turned her head quizzically at the human looking girl before her. Only her Champions were ever really formal to her, when she thought about it. Was her name known so little?! [colour=Lime]"Hiya, Servant of Chaos! Your God really tries to push the drama thing too much, ya know that?"[/colour] she quipped, before turning back to Thalia, [colour=Lime]"Is that any way to treat your God?! You could be a bit more formal, y'know![/colour] she cried, pouting. It was evident she wasn't your usual deity. [colour=Lime]"In any case... I'm just here to check on my best Champion! Oh, oh, don't tell the others I said that! They might get jealous..."[/colour] she laughed, and then gave a devious smile, [colour=Lime]"And, I'm sorry for barging in! I wasn't expecting anyone to be getting so... Amorous~"[/colour] Thalia squeaked at the comment, and quickly raised her hands to block her face. [colour=Silver]"N-n-no! I-it's not like that..! W-we were just... y-y'know..."[/colour] she trailed off, clearly too embarrassed to even formulate a proper explanation, much to the amusement of her Patron. Penny was in no better position to try and explain the situation that Lothreen had walked in on, not that she would know where to start. Instead she opted for a different tactic [color=9e0039]"As it seems you know, at least in passing of me and whose banner I carry, Might I know you name, My Lady? if that is to personal may I know which station you hold?[/color] She asked partially out of curiosity, mostly to try and redirect the conversation in a different direction. [color=9e0039]"Ah, before I forget, welcome to my abode. hopefully I shall be a gracious host to one of your standing"[/color] She added with a slight bow, she honestly wasn't sure if Laat's teaching would help, but at the least they wouldn't hurt to follow, at least until she was told otherwise. A smile stretched across Lothreen's lips and she giggled, skipping closer to Penny to get a look at her. [colour=Lime]"Awww, c'mon, there's no need to be so formal with me. Thalia isn't, and as much as it pains me to have such a snarky Champion, its a breath of fresh air from my others, who insist on calling me by "Lady"..."[/colour] she sighed slightly, before returning back to her smile, [colour=Lime]"Sure! I'm Lothreen, God of the Hunt!"[/colour] she spun in a circle, then bowed, [colour=Lime]"The [i]real[/i] God of the Hunt, at your service!"[/colour] Once their introductions were done, Lothreen took it upon herself to scout every inch of Penny's body, regardless of any qualms she may have had. It didn't take long before she had circled and spied the entirety of her body, before she glanced back over to Thalia, who was still blushing, and hiding from both Penny and her God. [colour=Lime]"I think you'll be just fine for her, y'know~"[/colour] she giggled playfully, [colour=Lime]"You two get my blessing~!"[/colour] Penny tried to stay still as she was obviously examined, but could help fidgeting at the close scrutiny. When Lothreen finally finished Penny quickly scurried over to the table in a bid to get some personal space back, and once again try and get her blush under control. Upon doing so she rediscovered the plain envelope that sat unopened on the table [color=9e0039]'Might as well find out what this is'[/color] she decided in hopes to find something to distract her from all the recent embarrassment. Inside the envelope sat a thin stack of bills, a few mana coins, and a small slip of paper. The slip simply read 'For Services Rendered'. The bills totalled to $320, but it was the coins that held the true worth. One gleaming silver coin sat along side six bronze ones. Penny recognised what the contents were for, granted the slip said as much, payment from Laat'AlOfan for the hospital situation. That reminded her of the original reason she had wanted to come to her lair, as her hunger for destruction made it's self known once again. Quietly she sunk in to one of the chairs as she fought down the wave of hunger. Reaching over to one of the parts boxes she rummaged around until she found a six inch nail. Grasping it in both hands she slowly bent it in half one way, then slowly bent it back the other way. she kept doing this until it broke in half with a soft snap. Lothreen took a step back from the two girls, heading towards the entrance once again. [colour=Lime]"Well, I only really came here to wish Thalia goodnight, so I suppose I'll be off!"[/colour] she blew them both a kiss, and turned her way towards the makeshift door, [colour=Lime]"Oh, and tell Laat I wanna have a word with him ASAP! Alrighty, nighty night you two!"[/colour] With that, she slid open the door, and proceeded to exit. However, before she did, she shot a devious glance back towards to two. [colour=Lime]Don't keep her up too late though, Gray Lady~"[/colour] and with that, she was gone. Thalia stood, shakily, averting her gaze from Penny, and smoothed down her outfit. [colour=Silver]"I-I, um..."[/colour] she stuttered, evidently having difficulty devising her sentence, [colour=Silver]"I-I'm sorry about h-her... sh-she likes to, well, ch-check up on me..."[/colour] [color=9e0039]"It's alright[/color] Penny replied softly as she pulled another nail from the box and began working as she did the prior one. [color=9e0039]"My Patron is also a god so I am at least aware of how finicky and weird they can be"[/color] She explained her voice still soft. she turned to try and give Thalia a smile but it came out slightly strained, and there was a slightly crazed glint in her eye. she went to reach for another nail when a though occurred to her [color=9e0039]"How about we go hunting?"[/color] She offered up [color=9e0039]"Put this behind us"[/color] she waved her hand around at the room in a effort to explain what she meant by "this" as she knew if she tired to voice it her blush would never leave. Thalia glanced around, attempting to regain her composure. Going on a hunt sounded like an exceptional idea to her. Not only would it subtract from the previous events, not that they were ones she would forget any time soon. Not only that, but she'd be able to deal with her own monstrous hunger - the same one she was sure she could see Penny was also struggling with. [colour=Silver]"Y-yeah! That sounds like fun... W-we can, uh... Go to my Storage Shed, if you'd like. I-I've got all my old hunting equipment there."[/colour] she suggested, still somewhat nervous, and without the usual snark that would accompany her words. [color=9e0039]"Give me a moment and then you can guide the way"[/color] Penny said as stood and moved towards the door. Taking a steadying breath [color=9e0039]"Limiters released and Systems are green. Circuits Charged and Steel Sharpened I Stand Ready for Action!"[/color] She spoke the words that removed her seal and, with a gesture they were off. [hr] [center]~ [i]Hours later - Penny's lair[/i] ~[/center] In a repeat of earlier events Penny once again navigated through the spiky maze that guarded her home and opened the way for both herself and Thalia to her hidden room. [color=9e0039][b][u]"That was just what I needed"[/u][/b][/color] Penny exclaimed with a sigh as she closed the door behind them [color=9e0039][b][u]"So...Now what?"[/u][/b][/color] she mused aloud. There wasn't a lot that could be done at her lair, she could tinker with some of th parts she had laying around or she could try and text someone from Beacon, or just chat. Thalia let out a loud, satisfied sigh as they entered back into the lair, almost like she had already accepted this is a safe and familiar place of refuge. A good hunt was exactly what she had needed, but next she had to figure out a way to convince Lothreen to give her back the whistle. That was the only thing bar killing that could keep her hunger at bay for any length of time, and was, considering she didn't possess many things, one of her most treasured items. [colour=Silver]"What next? There are so many things we could do y'know~"[/colour] she teased, skipping her way across the room, [colour=Silver]"Do you have any board-games?! I love those!"[/colour] she then quickly corrected, though the meaning on her past comment was not easily ignored. Penny paused for a moment at the potential implications of what Thalia said, but pushed past that train of thought rather quickly [color=9e0039][b][u]"No board games, Laat isn't big of keeping things around. Might be able to fashion a chess set out of the scrap however if you want"[/u][/b][/color] She replied as she pulled out her phone to check the time. It was easily past midnight by this point. with a shrug she put her phone away, resolving to send an explanation to Alicia at some point in the next few day, possibly seeing if they had a bounty board. [color=9e0039][b][u]"Potentially odd question, how much sleep do you need?"[/u][/b][/color] Penny asked, she hadn't had a lot of time to just talk with any other magical girls, less so other friendly monster girls. so she was curious. [colour=Silver]"I'm not very good at Chess, so..."[/colour] she said, pondering their options. It was pretty late, by the state of the sky outside, so they might have been better off simply sleeping. Of course, doing the things the simple way wasn't ever much fun. [colour=Silver]"How much do I sleep? Well, I guess it depen-"[/colour] her response was cut short by her stifling a yawn which then turned into a minor blush, [colour=Silver]"D-depends on how tired I am..! But d-don't worry, I'm not tired at all!"[/colour] she exclaimed, emphasising her point by dancing around the lair some more. [color=9e0039][b][u]"Riiight"[/u][/b][/color] Penny replied with a look that clear conveyed her disbelief [color=9e0039][b][u]"I was asking 'cause I only need about three hours a night and there isn't a whole lot to do here except chat at the moment"[/u][/b][/color] she explained as she moved to sit at the table. [color=9e0039][b][u]"Not really used to having a place to stay at for very long so kinda tapped for ideas at the moment."[/u][/b][/color] she added as she started pulling out a few bits of computer to fiddle with as they talked. Thalia looked around a little, somewhat unsure of what exactly to do. She had been with friends before, and through most all of those times they had managed to find endless topic to converse. But, of course, she hadn't had many, if any, friends, after she abandoned her original life. Monster Girls weren't exactly readily accepted. [colour=Silver]"I-I suppose... I am a bit tired..."[/colour] as soon as she said it, she broke out into a yawn she could barely contain, and quickly turned herself to look away, [colour=Silver]"O-okay, [i]very[/i] tired. I-I guess its time for bed, huh?"[/colour] then cast her gaze around, then turned back to Penny, slightly embarrassed, [colour=Silver]"U-uh, wh-where should I-I..?"[/colour] Penny just chuckled at Thalia finally admitting that she was tired, but was temporarily confused by the trailing question that followed afterwards. Then she remember that Thalia had stated she didn't have a home and a quick glance brought what was being asked in to better focus [color=9e0039][b][u]"O-oh, uhh. You can take the bed if you want"[/u][/b][/color] She replied sheepishly [color=9e0039][b][u]"I only have it because I tend to go to bed while sealed up, the ground... doesn't really bother me when I'm... normal"[/u][/b][/color] she explained haltingly as she kept fiddling with the bits and bobs in front of her. She still wasn't used everything that had happened to her, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. she didn't often give her self time to really deal with it either, she just kept moving forward. As quickly as Penny suggested the idea, Thalia raised her hands to go against it. [colour=Silver]"N-n-no, I-I couldn't..!"[/colour] she exclaimed nervously, fighting off a blush at the idea of sleeping in Penny's bed, [colour=Silver]"Th-this is your house, I-I cant let you sl-sleep on the floor..!"[/colour] clearly, she was trying to figure out some excuse as to give Penny the bed; she may have been informal with her Patron, but she knew manners from before she was a Magical Girl, [colour=Silver]"Y-you've been really n-nice till now, s-so it's o-only fair..."[/colour] Penny stopped fiddling at turned in her seat to look at what was likely her only real friend [color=9e0039][b][u]"It's fine."[/u][/b][/color] she said simply [color=9e0039][b][u]"I'm not going to be tired for a couple of hours yet, and I can simply take some of the excess blankets if I need too. 'Sides I'm not going to let a friends sleep on the concrete if I can help it"[/u][/b][/color] She explained sincerely, all of what she said was true, plus Penny grew up as a guy, and one thing that always came up was that the lady gets the bed, it was just good manners. There had to be some way. She wasn't gonna let Penny sleep on the floor, that much was for definite. Thalia had already made up her mind that she would not let that happen. The only question was, how did she go about ensuring the outcome she desired? [colour=Silver]"U-um..."[/colour] a thought had come to mind, but it was an exponentially embarrassing one; she tried to fight down a blush, but failed, and so cast her gaze in another direction, accidentally setting it upon the bed, which only further deepened the red on her cheeks, [colour=Silver]"Y-you could... Y-y-y'know..."[/colour] Thalia choked, trying to form words as difficult to swallow as sand, [colour=Silver]"Sl-sl-sleep... N-next to me... M-m-my tails a-are v-very comfy..!"[/colour] Penny was slightly worried when Thalia started to blush, she had only seen it happen once and that was a particularly embarrassing event. Then she heard what Thalia's idea was and all thoughts ground to a halt as her face once again became a vibrant red. She opened her mouth a few times to try and say something, but only silence came out. Eventually some part of Penny's brain started working again. Perhaps it was because of all the embarrassment that had happened today already or it could have been simple logic but her next response was a quiet [color=9e0039][b][u]"If you're sure"[/u][/b][/color] The words were out before Penny could really stop them and they served only to darken the blush to a deep crimson but she didn't try and retract them. Logic told her they would go back and forth on this for hours at this rate and part of her was tired in a very fundamental way. That was far from the answer Thalia had expected. Her body froze as she realised what exactly had just happened. Had... Had Penny really just consented to the idea? It was unfathomable. Ridiculous. She would never have accepted to engage in something like that. But... She had done. [colour=Silver]"I-I'm... S-sure."[/colour] she replied with a smile, still averting her gaze and blazing embarrassment away from Penny in an attempt to make it unnoticeable, though it was obvious such an attempt was futile, [colour=Silver]"I-I-I g-guess we, u-uh..."[/colour] she stammered, attempting to devise a clear direction for their actions, clearly out of her depth in that kind of situation. Penny swallowed thickly, internally cursing herself for all manner of things, not the least of which was her current blush. [color=9e0039][b][u]"R-r-right, u-umm, I'll, I'll get the lights?"[/u][/b][/color] she half asked as she slowly started to stand. If Thalia was out of her depth Penny had retreated to autopilot, aware of what was going on but not thinking it through at any level. It was because of that she was able to walk over to the light switch with out falling over at the sheer absurdity of what was happening. Still there was a small part of her that wondered if killing the lights would have any effect, considering how bright her blush had to be at this point. With the example Penny set, Thalia proceeded to move about as well, all though it was mostly simple anxious fidgeting. Her tails swished wildly around her, demonstrating her anxiety, if her furious and raging inferno of a face wasn't enough of an indication. She made her way over to the bed, watching as Penny headed towards the lights, and sat herself down. [colour=Silver]"O-okay then..."[/colour] she whispered, clenching her legs tightly together like a schoolgirl desperate to pee, [colour=Silver]"I-its like a r-r-real sleepover now, h-huh?"[/colour] was the best she could say in an attempt to lighten the mood. Penny stopped for a moment as Thalia's words hit home, and she started laughing she couldn't help it, the thought that this could be a sleepover was ridiculous. [color=9e0039][b][u]"I haven't had a sleepover since I was fourteen, but considering I've been turned back in to a kid that's a great way to look at it"[/u][/b][/color] she said in between laughs the idea knocking most of the tension out of her. With a shake of her head she hit the switch to the lights, plunging the room in to darkness. Quickly she made her way to the bed, the soft tapping of her metallic feet giving her potion away in the dark. Kneeling next to her bed she once again murmured quietly [color=9e0039][b][u]"Safeties engaged, system going on standby. I step away from conflict"[/u][/b][/color] There was a dull flash, only noticeable because of the absence of any other light, but in that flash one would be able to see Penny once again revert to her sealed state, and if one was especially keen eyed they would be able to note the blush was still very visible. Quietly she climbed in to the nest of blankets and cloth. The Kitsune watched quietly as Penny turned off the lights. As soon as the darkness swallowed the room, her magic kicked in. Having a Beast Specialisation made Thalia not only in tune with creatures, but one with them, and so at the absence of light her eyes were enhanced into ones much better at dealing with it, so that she could pierce the veil with sight. Even if Penny couldn't see, she could. And it had to be said she was impressed by the way she passed effortlessly, despite the lack of light. As she kneeled, Thalia continued to fidget, despite the fact that she couldn't be seen. The blush on Penny's face did nought but remind her of what situation she had been placed into, if by her own volition, and it proved only to spread her own blush further. So, she leant back, and let herself rest comfortably in the makeshift bed, shoulder to shoulder with her friend, feeling her warmth. [colour=Silver]"G-goodnight, P-P-Penny..."[/colour] she whispered, stuttering as she spoke. Penny grabbed the corner of one of the blankets and pulled it over the both of them. [color=9e0039]"G'night Thalia"[/color] Penny whispered back, intentionally not thinking about why Thalia was stuttering, she would never get to sleep if she did. She shifted around a moment before getting comfortable her last thought before she passed in to slumber was [color=9e0039][i]'Her tails [u]are[/u] comfy'[/i][/color] [center]~ [i]The Next Morning[/i] ~[/center] Penny slowly came to awareness, which was something she rarely got to enjoy these days. Most of the time she woke up instantly and nothing would get her back to sleep, so she endeavoured to stay in this half awake state and moved to snuggle deeper in to the warmth that her pillow was offering her. The fact that she didn't have a pillow wasn't what tipped her off to something being wrong, it was when she felt said pillow breathing. That confused her sleep addled mind as pillows don't breath, slowly at first and then building up with frighting speed the memories of last night came rushing back to the Mechanical girl. Cautiously she cracked one eye open and confirmed with the soft light that was leaking in to the room, that her 'pillow' was in fact Thalia. Instantly it felt as if her face had caught fire as The blush she had gotten away from made it's way back on to her face. Feeling her friend shift beside her brought Thalia into a state of semi-consciousness. She let out a slight groan, and her eyes fluttered gently open, staring directly into the open eye and raging blush of Penny herself. It took a couple of seconds for her to recognise what exactly was happening. They had gone on their hunt, and it was late upon their return to the lair, and so they had decided to go on to sleep. Realisation struck mercilessly at the Kitsune as she frightfully remembered what had happened before they drifted into the warm arms of sleep. She had no words. Nothing. Her mind was flooded in its entirety with embarrassment, and so was her face, which flushed quickly and violently into a deep crimson. But even still she said nothing, and instead lay, facing her friend in total, ceaseless silence. Penny was in a similar state of shock as all of her attempts last night to rationalise this as a simple thing fell apart with the morning. The moment would have likely stretched on for hours, and it already felt like it had even though it had only been moments. The silence was shattered by a somewhat muted roll of thunder, a moment later, it happened again. It was Penny's phone, she had an alarm set for 8:30 on the off chance she slept in. [color=9e0039][b][u]"I-I...So-S..Ex-e-e.."[/u][/b][/color] She tried before simply releasing Thalia and fleeing to shut up her alarm. Thalia simply let herself be let go of, but still kept deathly still, watching as Penny scurried off to deal with her alarm. The embarrassment had gotten the best of the girl, it appeared, and she zoned out, lost in the endless thoughts that accompanied such an encounter. Quickly, though, she snapped herself out of it, and slowly, and shakily, sat herself up. [colour=Silver]"G-g-good morning... P-Penny..."[/colour] she murmured, wiping the sleep from her eye, doing her best to ignore the incessant and untamed blush burning deep on her face. [color=9e0039][b][u]"M-m-morning"[/u][/b][/color] Penny uttered quietly unable to look at her guest in fear of catching on fire due to her own blush [color=9e0039][b][u]"Breakfast?[/u][/b][/color] She asked holding up a cereal bar from one of her food boxes. She had one pulled out for herself as well, but embarrassment had stolen what little appetite she normally had. Thalia glanced up, spying the cereal bar she had been presented with. Normally, she didn't eat breakfast; she never really got the chance, despite her considerable freedom. [colour=Silver]"U-um, n-no, than-"[/colour] she went to reply, but her stomach had other ideas, opting to instead reply with a low, esurient growl of hunger, [colour=Silver]"...I-I guess I'll h-have one..."[/colour] she finally responded after a few moments of shy, embarrassed silence. Penny, nodded absently as she tossed the bar over to Thalia, it was meagre as far as rations went, but was better then being hungry. [color=9e0039][b][u]"So..."[/u][/b][/color] She began lamely drumming her fingers on her table as she tried to force her brain in to working. When that didn't really help she took a bit out of her cereal bar, not caring to open it first. The fact she was eating the wrapper along with the bar didn't really bother Penny, her sense of taste didn't seem to work correctly when she was in her default state, besides her body could process just about anything now. The silence stretched on as Penny tried to find some way to dispell the awkwardness, eventually the responsible part of her made it's self known and she picked up her phone with the intent to text Alicia an explanation of sorts about yesterday. She was half way through that text when a simple question popped in to her head [color=9e0039][b][u]"Do you have a cellphone Thalia?"[/u][/b][/color] and was asked with out really thinking about it. The Kitsune raised her hand deftly, catching the bar with ease. Both her specialisation and her contract helped play in to make her quite dexterous, so catching something like that without issue was more than an easy task for her. She nodded a wordless thanks to her compatriot, and tore the wrapper from the bar. As quickly as it was freed from its plastic container, it was between Thalia's teeth, and she devoured the entire thing momentarily. Wasn't there a thing about not rushing meals? [colour=Silver]"H-huh? A phone?"[/colour] she looked confused for a second, attempting to ascertain what exactly Penny would need the information for; then, suddenly, it struck at her, [colour=Silver]"I-I mean, yeah, I have one. Why? Do you want my number~?"[/colour] she teased, seemingly back to her usual self after some nourishment, as she pulled from her dress an average touch screen device, [colour=Silver]"Lothreen bought it for me for my one year anniversary of being a Magical Girl!"[/colour] Penny was able to finish and send off the text she was working on before Thalia responded. Her first action afterwards was to drop her head to the table with a soft groan. That was the reason she was asking, just not in the way her friend was insinuating. Rolling her head to look at the kitsune [color=9e0039][b][u]"Wonder if that is a patron thing or just a deity one"[/u][/b][/color] She said as she lifted up her grey flip phone [color=9e0039][b][u]"Laat got me this last week, as a present for helping form the alliance with Beacon and yes I was hoping to swap numbers. I won't likely have to toss this phone in a year since Laat was the one to give it to me."[/u][/b][/color] She explained as she flipped open said phone and passed it to Thalia. Thalia took the device, and gave it a cursory once over before returning to the screen. She quickly navigated to the contacts section of the phone, briefly skimming over her other contacts - two people whom she was unaware - before selecting the option to add a contact. From there. she pulled up her number on her own phone, and hastily typed it into the small keyboard. Once it was added, she wrote her name, saved it, and then handed it back to Penny. [colour=Silver]"There you go, but don't text me late at night expressing your forlorn heart, kay~?"[/colour] Penny just rolled her eyes at Thalia as she took her phone back and sent a simple 'whatever' as a text response rather then give a verbal one. [color=9e0039][b][u]"So, now that food has been taken care of and numbers exchanged. What's next?"[/u][/b][/color] she asked picking her head off the table. The fox girl seemed to ponder for a second, tilting her head to the side as she thought on what activities thye could exactly do. There wasn't really much besides hunting. The Baconites wouldn't accept Thalia, so she couldn't go along with Penny to their gatherings, and she barely knew any of the other girls. There wasn't really much she did otherwise. Mostly she just talked and played with Lothreen, and went hunting. [colour=Silver]"Hmmmmmmm... I dunno... We could go to an arcade, if that interests you? I have moneys."[/colour] she suggested, clearly strained for ideas. Penny tilted her head to the side as she considered going to an arcade and slowly a conspiratorial grin began spreading across her face [color=9e0039][b][u]"That sounds like a fun idea, ever since becoming a Magical Girl machines just started to make sense to me, pretty sure I could win every time now."[/u][/b][/color] She explain drifting off to her own musings for a moment. Snapping back to her guest her grin just got wider [color=9e0039][b][u]"I also just got paid, so let's go empty an arcade of it's prizes and see what other things this town has to offer. I've spent most of my time setting this place up so I don't know what there is to find."[/u][/b][/color] She said standing up as she did [color=9e0039][b][u]"What do you say?"[/u][/b][/color] A devious smirk creased Thalia's otherwise still lips at the idea. It was almost audible the fantasies that played out in her head as she imagined the them, exiting an arcade full of crying children and void of any prizes, clutching countless stuffed animals and other such items won in their nefarious, but irresistible plan. [colour=Silver]"That sounds like a perfect plan, partner~"[/colour] she said, standing from the bedding, [colour=Silver]"Lets go win ourselves some cuddly toys~!"[/colour] With a grin that spelt trouble for some unaware far off arcade Penny lead the way out in to the city for a day of miscellaneous havoc. From then on, the week passed in a similar vein, with the two hunting by night and wandering and exploring by day. [center]~ [i]A Week Later[/i] ~[/center] Penny was currently sprinting across the city rooftops, she tossed a quick glance over her shoulder confirming her pursuer was, in-fact, gaining on her. The detour she had taken to get up here had cost her precious ground, as while the Mechanical girl was slightly faster in a straight run, the one chasing her was much more agile in in all directions in addition to being fast. [color=9e0039][i]'I'm not going to be able to get away from this one'[/i][/color] she thought as she tried to make it to the edge of the roof before it was too late. The Kitsune grinned, dashing across the rooftop as quickly as her legs would carry her, tails billowing on the wind. Even despite their previous activities in the week, this definitely had to be her favourite. She smirked, coming up close behind her friend, and giggled, attempting to throw her off her stride. [colour=Silver]"You cant escape, Penny~"[/colour] she whispered through the air, before leaping at the girl in an attempt to tackle her to the ground. Penny tossed another glance to try and figure out which side Thalia was going to come from, She looked just in time to see the fox airborne and heading right at her. Knowing there was nothing she could do she braced herself for impact. A moment later the Impact came, and normally would it only knock Penny back a step or two. which it did, the issue was the fact the roof ended after a step so rather then a small trip to the rooftop, it was a notably longer trip down to an alleyway that ended with a crash. [color=9e0039][b][u]"Oof, that was slightly rougher then expected"[/u][/b][/color] Penny stated after a moment, the fall doing little more then temporarily disorientating her. Instinctively, Thalia released her prey, and landed, rather deftly, close beside her. She stood back up triumphantly, all the while still smirking. [colour=Silver]"I win![/colour] she exclaimed, before extending a hand to help up her fallen colleague, [colour=Silver]"Ready for another round~?"[/colour] she teased, clearly confident in her capabilities. [color=9e0039][b][u]"Sure give me a sec to be able to see straight first"[/u][/b][/color] She replied as she took the offer hand and got to her feet, she was enjoying the odd game of tag, and didn't mind going again, even if she had yet to get one on Thalia. Brushing the dirt off she took a look around at the ally they had stumbled in too. It was mostly no worse for wear from the sudden entrance, with a shrug she got ready to head back to the roof tops when she spotted someone out of the corner of her eye. [color=9e0039][b][u]"Hey, it's Lily and Alex"[/u][/b][/color] she said pointing out the other two magicals that they had landed near. Thalia looked off in the direction Penny pointed out, and spied the two she highlighted. She wasn't entirely sure how much she trusted them, but Penny seemed to know them, so the least she could do was give them the benefit of the doubt. A part of her felt as though she recognised them from around the city, but she couldn't quite place them. [colour=Silver]"Huh? Who're they? I've never met them before..."[/colour] she said, instincually entering into a somewhat defensive mindset in case she needed to fight, [colour=Silver]"If you're okay with them... I guess I can trust them."[/colour] [color=9e0039][b][u]"They were at the Hospital fight, Lily was the one who freaked out and dropped that lightning bolt on me, and neither of them are part of The Beacon as far as I am aware"[/u][/b][/color] Penny answered as she took a step towards the allyway's opening [color=9e0039][b][u]"OI!! Lily! Alex!"[/u][/b][/color] She called out waving as she did to try and grab thier attention. [center][@Ariamis][@Card Captor][/center][/hider]