[@ProPro] [@GingerBoi123] For now, I think it would be to be a bit of a Question and Answer. Some of these questions come from the RP guild discord: [hider=Q and A] Q. How well known is spectral activity in this world? A. People understand that it is a thing that exists, however they don't understand the details about it. They may know that salt wards off spirits, and use their iodized table salt. They have know about this for basically as long as recorded history, though history remains largely the same. However, the leaders of each nation are likely to be fictional characters if they come up. Q.Are the operations of the SEO public knowledge? A. Yes, people also understand that SEO is a multi-nation agency. If you flash your license to a police, they will respect that authority. However they do try to keep things low-key and when they do (rarely) release information to the public, it involves a lot of redactions. Q. How do they react to a perfectly normal person walking in on their operations unexpectedly? A. Depends on the operations. If there is a poltergeist throwing knives around the room, or other similarly dangerous ghosts they try to evacuate them. Also, citizens might be removed from the area if they are interfering with the SEO. However, some times the next of kin might be needed to help during a seance or something. Q. is it just limited ghosts or are there more aspects of the supernatural? (e.g. Werewolves, vampires etc) A. There are more aspect of the supernatural, but it is largely ghosts. However, there are no werewolves or vampires, in order to not distract from the central premise. And when you have the choice to be a vampire/werewolf, then if you don't pick on, you are usually just punished. Q. When was the SEO founded? A. Shortly after the founding of the UN Q. Why don't people just commit suicide? A. Most ghosts are just echoes of themselves and are only able to be seen by mediums. Some ghosts manifest more strongly, however those are usually the ghosts you will be tasked with dealing with even if they are not evil now, death has its way of slowly messing with your personality until you are barely recognizable. Q. How do you punish a ghost? A. Usually by trapping in a containing that they can not escape from without outside help. [/hider] Also, I would prefer that people play silver exorcist (You can play bronze or iron, but you will be handicapping yourself). However the "main story line" so far is that you will be opposing another group of rogue exorcists. So you wouldn't need your character to go after them, they will come for him. Keeping things in a single area tends to help group cohesion.