[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NGDzV2x.jpg[/img][/center] [center](Note: This picture is pre-experiment. Post-experiment Esther tends to dress the same, but hide her extra eyes under her hijab.)[/center] [hr] [center][color=8493ca]“Spidergirl! Spidergirl! Does whatever a spidergirl does.~”[/color][/center] [hr] [center]Name: Esther al-Mubarak.[/center] [center]Age: 19.[/center] [center]Phobi-ability: Arachnophobia.[/center] [center]Appearance: Esther clocks in at about 5'4" and 110, owing to her having the metabolism of about three people. (This is only a slight exaggeration.) She tends to favor wearing jeans and various graphic t-shirts, along with her [url=http://my-live-01.slatic.net/p/ms-husna-hijab-long-shawl-jenna-green-1521-3827971-1-catalog_233.jpg]favorite hijab[/url]. As for her lower body, it doesn't have the appearance of any spider in particular; it's completely jet black, though it does fade into Esther's natural brown skin color. Though whatever spider it is, it was apparently venomous, as Esther now has two prominent fangs that occasionally drip venom. They're not long enough to stick out of her mouth, but are visible when she smiles.[/center] [center]Personality: Esther, at first glance, is impish, sarcastic, lazy, and doesn’t really seem to give much of a damn about anyone or anything. She’s blunt, swears like a sailor, and just generally doesn’t seem like a great person at first glance. However, underneath her shell of bad jokes and curse words, Esther has a heart of gold; she’s compassionate, friendly, and intensely loyal (though she can come off as a bit clingy). She honestly enjoys laughing and making others laugh, and as it turns out, sarcasm and good timing make for a great combination. Esther is also very independent, always attempting to do things on her own before asking a friend for help. Despite outwards appearances, Esther is actually rather introverted, preferring to spend the majority of her time browsing Reddit or Tumblr, or making music in her room. She also tries her best to be a good Muslim, though a lot of times her religion tends to take a back seat to whatever the other thing is.[/center] [center]Relations: Ahmad (father), Sabeen (mother), Muhammad (younger brother). Relations with other characters are TBD (though Percival seems like someone Esther would enjoy).[/center] [center]Backstory: Born in Essex to a pair of second-generation Iraqi immigrants, Esther moved around a lot as a kid, owing to her parents both being enlisted in the military. As a result, she never really had the chance to make very many friends, since she would be living on one military base for a while and then have to move again. Nevertheless, Esther kept up an optimistic air, (WIP)[/center] [center]Misc.: Fluent in spoken Arabic, and is learning how to write it properly. Enjoys wearing her hijab, since it makes her feel rather unique. Her favorite food is bubble tea, which she got hooked on after visiting a tea shop near her house. Calls everyone “dude”, regardless of gender or age. Has an arrow in her room pointing towards Mecca. Has a Soundcloud account under the name "EaM", where she occasionally uploads songs she's made between missions. Lesbian.[/center] [center]Themes: *Calm: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evpzae29Z5o]WonderWing - Sakuzyo[/url] *Active: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl2h8BQNJlo]Rug Lags - izna[/url] *Battle: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJh0b0O16Aw]Lune - M2U and NICODE[/url] *Boss Battle: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maXsM_NFTFo]Synthesized Angel - Sakuzyo[/url][/center] [center]VO: [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/emmablackery]Emma Blackery.[/url][/center]