Ok. (O_O) [@Moonlit Sonata] Aside from this debate, the reason i did not post with Chi-You taking a shot is because i've been waiting since then on [@DrowsyPangolin] to get in a reaction to things, especially if they want to communicate with Chi-You in some sense. That and i have been generally busy on my end as of the last many weeks, so i also blatantly forgot about saying something ahead of time or ask questions. This is all, of course, my bad when it comes down to it. [@Beloss] I apologize if my own issues have played into a bad situation for Rostam. You've been an enjoyable RP partner. [@DrowsyPangolin] And i apologize for not saying anything before as well. (T__T) I am not blaming you for anything either, especially if irl you've been busy as well or such.