With her comrades near the still-flaming doorway dealing damage to the irksome drake, Araerys focused her attention on the Priestess, who was sprinting to the doorway their cat-gone-rogue (an issue to address later) had entered through mere minutes before. "She's trying to flee!" the bard shouted to shift Ceria's attention towards the woman as she herself bolted after her. There couldn't be coincidence about it; whatever was happening prior to their unfortunate interruption had to be of a significant nature. The Priestess's importance in the situation grew by the second, seemingly solidified by the fact that she was trying to escape from the group unscathed and without her precious drake. Unfortunately, the creature had too much of a head start, and had slipped through into the other room, slamming the door shut before the half-elf could grab onto her. She could hear the lock clicking into place and instinctively spoke the words of a very familiar spell, almost growling them out with the adrenaline that was pumping through her veins. She skidded to a halt halfway to the heavy wood just as a loud [b]knock![/b] emanated from it. Without missing a beat, Araerys called back to anyone who was close enough to take action. "The door is unlocked!" [hider=Stuff]Ary sprints across the cathedral after the Priestess and casts Knock to unlock the door.[/hider] Mentioned: [@Mistiel] Up Next: [@Ermine]