[center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170627/69f8cdbc6bcdc39c4bf8f48a8cbb2b79.png[/img][hr] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/7a7f1ddbc4026793cad862bc118a0bd9af7d2a53/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f793835706b626a4a5958344534673d3d2d3431333431333131342e313462663836666431353066626238663332373331303937313732312e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [color=8b8b8b][b][u]Location;;[/u][/b][/color] Her flat ► Brighton Supermarket [color=8b8b8b][b][u]Interacting With;;[/u][/b][/color] Cashier at Brighton Supermarket[/center][hr][hr]She still could not wrap her head around the people that were reported missing from around the are. Her mother wanted her to be safe and trust no one right now but she wondered if anyone else knew about the missing people. Well, of course they did since it has been broadcasted on the news for a few days now. Savannah sighed as she tried to take her mind off of the situations that surrounded her but every channel she flipped to was broadcasting either about the storm that had taken place or about the missing people. Not even her newfound soap opera show was on the television. With a sigh, she turned off her television and softly threw the remote control off to her side. She stood up and walked over towards her curtain once more, moving it to the side and still seeing the reporters out there but the rain had finally stopped. Savannah rolled her eyes again at the shameless reporters as she closed her curtain now and looked at the time. She had at least a few more hours before the party so she decided to go shopping for her own flat and since her fridge was empty. She slipped on her heels and grabbed her clutch purse, walking out of her flat but making sure it was indeed locked before continuing on her pursuit towards the outside. The reporters had finally stopped interrogating and pushing people to answer their questions as they were all packed up and ready to leave. She let out a sigh of relief as she knew that no one would come her way with questions concerning the storm, missing people or god only knows what else happened after the storm. With a gentle push of the lobby door, she was now outside again and hurried past the reporters as she managed to do so. Savannah did not live that far away from the supermarket so getting there by foot was a piece of cake. Upon her entrance through the supermarket's doors, she saw a flier for the party tonight. She had considered going but she had considered not going, as well. After a week and a half of solitude, she did need to have a little bit of fun within her life so the party and everyone present was definitely going to be graced with her presence tonight and she definitely could not wait to see her neighbors. When Savannah turned the corner towards the produce section, she seen certain items floating from shelf to shelf and saw a male behind the manner but once he saw Savannah looking, the male gasped and ran away. Sighing and lowering her head, Savannah turned heel and went back to shopping then went and stood in line. Her gaze went over towards the magazine stand beside her as she grabbed it and skimmed through it but something caught her attention within one of the stories. Brighton has not suffered a brutal storm within decades and the last time a brutal storm occurred, a doctor named Dr. Owens were creating certain mutated people with a device he had created but the first brutal storm struck and corrupted everything. People had somehow gained supernatural like abilities but the ones that did not get abilities were killed. Gasping at the story, Savannah closed the magazine and jumped slightly when the cashier called for her to come forth. She placed the magazine back in the proper place and went ahead in the line. [b]"Was there something that interesting there in the magazine?"[/b] The cashier asked, seemingly trying to make conversation as she scanned the desired items of Savannah. [color=8b8b8b][b]"Uhm, yeah actually. But it's nothing more than your usual celebrity drama."[/b][/color] Savannah couldn't help but lie as she waved her hand dismissively in the air. The cashier scoffed as she gave Savannah the total. She handed the cashier money and told her to keep the change as she grabbed her own paper grocery bags then proceeded to walk out of the market and back towards her flat. Upon entering the lobby and making her way towards her flat, everyone that resided in Brighton Lights had fliers on their doors, insisting that they come to the party since they managed to survive the storm. With a confused look plastered upon her face now, she went inside of her flat, sat her groceries down then went to snatch the flier off of her door. [color=8b8b8b][b][i]'Why is the party host really pushing this party?'[/i][/b][/color] She thought to herself while shaking her head because it did not make any sense as she closed her door. She laid the flier aside then went to put up her groceries. When that was done, she saved the bags and stashed them underneath the counter then waltzed into her room then opened her closet doors, tapping her chin with her index finger, wondering what she was going to wear to the 'Survival of the Storm Party' that was to take place just in mere hours from now.