After a long day of dealing with the injuries and fighting, Kyra was given a moment to rest as the night drew on. She had found herself a corner and a vision and quickly fell asleep. However her rest wouldn't last for long, as barely a few hours in she was awoken by a ruckus of soldiers and shouting. Worried that they were under attack Kyra quickly gathered her equipment and headed to the battlements. It was there that Kyra received a summary of what happened. It seemed that the leader of the attack force had finally decided to withdraw. But before doing so he wanted to fight Greenest's strongest warrior. And the only incentive he had for others not to turn him into a pincushion was that he had Longwater's family hostage. The look of horror dawned on Kyra's face. She knew Logeater had family, but she had thought they were in the keep. [color=pink]"No... He said there weren't anyone else left out there..."[/color] A mix of anger and fear started to overcome Kyra when she spotted Torus and Brannor nearby. Remembering her father's words she went over to these strasngers to get their counsel. Whatever her feelings about them individually was, she cannot deny that they have been a boon for her village. And now... Now she needs them for one more task. She heard Brannor volunteer himself for this gruesome task and she nearly began to shed tears. She could never understand what makes a hero, but to hear that this stranger, aloof and brusque as a bear, was willing to champion for them... Kyra knew she had to do something for him. Approaching Brannor Kyra's voice spoke above the rabble. [color=pink]"I will come with you, as your second. I do. It have much magic left within me, but I will ensure that if you fall, you will not be left to the mercy of those... Monsters."[/color] Kyra spoke with a fire in her eyes and passion in her voice.