[center][h2]Esther von Degraff[/h2][/center] [hr] Esther's relaxation was soon disturbed by Leblanc and Szeren, who joined her in the hot spring. It took her a while to notice them however, as she only opened her eyes when Szeren had entered as well. "A-ah, Leblanc?" she said to the girl who was bathing a few feet near her. "S-sorry, didn't notice you coming in. I was caught up in how relaxing this water is. Isn't it great?" she asked to her with an awkward smile. And when she saw Szeren there as well, she said to her, "You too, Szeren? Welcome! We're really lucky that this place is empty, huh? I certainly wouldn't be able to be relax this much if we have men here. You probably can though, what with you having those shadows over your body." [i]Well, this suddenly turned awkward...[/i], Esther thought to herself. [i]Should we even supposed to be chatting with each other in the bath? I've never really been to a public bath before...[/i] [@TheFake][@Lonewolf685]