[hider=Silana Delacroix] [b]Name:[/b] Silana Delacroix [b]Apparent Age:[/b] Mid teens, around 14-17. [b]Actual Age:[/b] She doesn't know, but she was alive during the medieval times, however long ago that was. [b]Former Species:[/b] Human [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 120lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] Silana's old appearance was one might expect of an old world peasant girl. She was nothing of note, with long blond hair though many did comment she was quite the fair lass back in olden times. She had a frail and dainty build, and was often considered to be quite attractive in the area where she lived. Pale, nearly flawless white skin and bright blue eyes. Unfortunately, the girl and her mother were branded heretical witches. [b]New Species:[/b] Necrotic Slime [b]Height:[/b] 5'2", but fluctuates. [b]Weight:[/b] Roughly 112 lbs, but can change depending on how much stuff she's absorbed. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Slimey Slime][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/f6e0/f/2011/106/5/3/slime_girl_3_by_piketh-d3e64je.png[/img][/hider] Typically standing at a fairly short 5'2, her amorphous body allows her to change her height and weight ever so slightly, depending on how exactly much liquid and other material she's absorbed. Her body is completely black, with bright blue eyes - though if one were to look closely they would notice bones floating beneath the liquid - likely ones from her old body, floating in the goop that makes up her new body. The only one that seems to be consistent is her skull, which stays firmly planted where it should be. Red, soft and pliable protrusions can be seen growing from various places on her body. Her body is slightly caustic to the touch - not enough to hurt from short exposure, but over time the liquid could cause minor burns. It's also slightly sticky, and constantly dripping. [b]Personality:[/b] Unfortunately, much of Silana's old personality has corroded due to time and her recent resurrection. While not overly expressive, she's quiet most of the time and speaks only if needed such as in intimidation or communication. Often, she wears a smirk or curious smile if not a completely neutral expression. Some even might say she can be a little bit of a tease at times. At first glance, she is usually fairly sadistic in her mannerisms, and greatly loves teasing and toying with people. She seems to be easily annoyed, especially when people insult her or otherwise make fun of her, and seems to be a very prideful being. Sil is incredibly intelligent and seemingly knows how to work people and get things done well enough. Really doesn't like people. [b]Location:[/b] Northern Second Ring, inside of a 'cult's' hideout. [b]Status:[/b] Recently resurrected Slime, and 'Cult leader'....? [b]Secrets:[/b] Has been dead for a long while. Really isn't in the know about how technology works. Tends to confuse her. Is secretly really into romance stories. Did I mention she's been elected leader of a small cult? Yeah, she has been. Not that anyone is going to know this. [b]Assets:[/b] Abso-fuckin-lutely nothing. Well, aside from a Cult 'Hideout' that consists of a series of underground basements in the slums. Can be accessed via a number of buildings above ground through a series of old tunnels. [b]Possessions:[/b] ...does her slimey body count? no? Then she has nothing to her name aside from her bones. Technically, everything and everyone in the cult belongs to her though. [b]Equipment:[/b] Does slimey slime count? [b]Story:[/b] Years ago, before the corporations were even a thing, back before the modern age there was a small village in the countryside where a woman and her daughter lived. The woman was...odd, to say the least, at least that's what the rest of the people in the village believed. A medicine woman. Alchemist. [i]Witch[/i], were just some of the many names that they called her by. For the most part, they left the both of them alone. After all, if she was a dangerous witch it wouldn't do to anger her. Not that it lasted, of course. Fear makes people do funny things sometimes and whether she actually was a witch or not became irrelevant. They ran both her and her daughter out of town, convinced both were consorting with demons. During the chase, mother and daughter became separated. The villagers found the daughter, and the girl fell into a bog where she became trapped and they executed her. The mother, exasperated gave up. As she was executed for witchcraft though, she cursed the villagers that one day her daughter would return - and kill every single one of them. Fearful of what demonic power the woman's words may potentially hold, they went back to the bog the next day, but the body was gone. Of course, it didn't just get up and walk away. A small group of mystics living in the village recovered the body and entombed it, waiting for the day the curse would come true. Of course, it never did. At least, not until the proverbial apocalypse happened. The coffin and body had more or less been passed around as an oddity for most of known history until it was donated to a museum some years ago. Then it was stolen by a small-time cult, just for giggles shortly before the apocalypse. [/hider]