[hider=Lynnette Fortier][center][h3]Fossil[/h3] [img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/war-among-the-stars/images/4/4e/Udon_doujin_by_erina-d5tdw0x.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20130603195717[/img][/center] [center] [sub][b]”Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.[/b][/sub] [/center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] [indent]Lynnette “Fossil” Fortier[/indent] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] [indent]34[/indent] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [indent]The first thing people tend to notice about Lynnette is her unusually pale skin and hair. The second is her height which is at the high end for women. She possess the type of visage that tends to draw the eye and hold its attention, if not due to her pale skin and hair then because of her comely face, one that tends to posses an expression of amusement. Her hair, which she insists is platinum and not grey or white, is usually allowed to fall below her waist, although she will put it up into a ponytail or some other style if she needs to keep it out of her way. As for garments she prefers form fitting clothes, her favorite being a grey tight jumpsuit that complements her hair color. Usually her favorite revolver and kukri can be found resting on her waist.[/indent] [u][b]Traits[/b][/u] [indent][b]Albino:[/b] Simple bad luck resulted in her being born with this rare disorder. [b]Lunarian:[/b] Born an American and proud of it! Lynette spent most of her life on the moon and only recently began traveling beyond American borders. [b]Ex-Cop:[/b] What was she doing before leaving home? Enforcing the law. She was even a member of SWAT for a while. [b]Biker:[/b] She’s the kind of person that enjoys rider a bike, whether that be a motorcycle or hover bike. [/indent] [u][b]Past[/b][/u] [indent]There’s not much to say about her past. She had a normal family and childhood. When she graduated from college she decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a cop. It was something she proved good at. She was the kind of cop that would go the extra mile for the citizens, giving people rides in her car when it rained, playing around with the neighborhood kids, that sort of thing. Needless to say she was well liked in the community. Eventually she was recruited into the local SWAT unit, which she spent several years in. It was at this time that she gained the nickname “Fossil”, due to her pale skin and hair. And then something tragic happened. Her actions led to the death of someone. She was placed on administrative leave for a time; eventually she was allowed to return to the force. For a time she was content to try and redeem herself, but it soon became clear that her comrades would not be quick to forget what had occurred. The hushed whispers and looks of disgust and, far worse, disappointment proved to be too much for Lynnette. She soon retired from the police force. For a time she was content to remain on the Moon and work as a private detective. Eventually, however, she decided to leave her old life entirely behind her. She departed her old home, working as a bounty hunter before running into the crew of the Absolute Magnitude.[/indent] [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] [indent][b]Close Combat Specialist:[/b] Any fight that takes place from arm’s reach to fifty feet beyond is within her realm of expertise. She has been trained in the use of various types of weapons ranging from submachine guns and pistols to knives and her very body. Her favorite weapons are her old style revolver and her kukri knife, although she is more than comfortable using martial arts when the situation calls for it. [b]Breach and Entry:[/b] Bad guys holed up in a room? Door locked? Lynette’s your girl! Whether it be through the use of lockpicks, explosives, or a cutting torch she knows how to get through that door, no matter how secure it may appear. Better yet she is well practiced in the correct way to enter a room filled with hostiles once the door has been breached. [b]Lithe:[/b] She’s not merely flexible or agile, all of her movements possess a graceful quality. This quality seems to seep into everything she does whether that be fighting or simply walking. [b]Charmer:[/b] Lynette seems to just naturally get along with people. People listen to her when she speaks. The way she holds herself, her tone of voice and facial expression, even the look in her eyes seems to draw people in. [/indent] [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] [indent][b]Ranged Combat:[/b] One would think that, given how skilled she is at close combat, she would possess some skill with longer ranged weapons. This is most certainly not the case. Past sixty feet she really begins to struggle to hit her targets. It's so bad that she doesn’t even bother using rifles anymore. [b]Computer Noob:[/b] In all groups there is that one person who seems to find all the websites with viruses, forget their passwords, and only update their OC when forced to because learning the new features is too hard. Lynette is one of those people. She [b]does[/b] have a basic understanding of technology and how it works, but it's probably better for all involved if she only uses it to surf the web. And someone should probably run a virus scan whenever she gets off. [b]On her Shoulders:[/b] Lynnette tends to not trust others to do their part and will take on more than she can handle if allowed. This can cause her to become overwhelmed, stressed, and lose sleep. None of these are good ailments to have. [b]Moral High Ground:[/b] Perhaps it's because of her old career, or simply her personality, but Lynnette insists on maintaining the moral high ground at all costs. This means only taking government sanctioned jobs, no unnecessary use of violence, and the lives of civilians must be protected at all costs. [b]The Sun is her Bane:[/b] Due to her albinism Lynnette is not on the best of terms with the Sun. Granted it's not like direct sunlight is acid to her, but she [i]is[/i] at increased risk of getting sunburns and skin cancer. Because of this she tries to avoid direct sunlight when feasible and uses a lot of sunscreen. [/indent][/hider]