The Witch Hunter didn't say anything for long moments, instead he reached up and fiddled with the strange glasses, clicking another lens down into place as though working a jeweler magnifier. It didn't to anything the Camilla noticed other than to make the eye piece slightly opaque. Von Koneinswald took the glasses from his nose and slipped them into his pocket without comment. There was a sudden relaxation in the mans posture, so slight that Camilla didn't notice it except now that it was gone. The Witch Hunter had been preparing to attack them she realised but now, for whatever reason, had reconsidered. She wondered if the man might be made, though is eyes were clear and sane enough. [b]"There are often such rumors,"[/b] he stated, his Reikland accent sharper than the local Middenheim one. Von Koneinswald picked up a flagon of ale and took a small unenthusiastic sip. [b]"And frequently enough they are true, though Sigmar knows I wish that it were not the case,"[/b] he went on, his gaze shifting between the two of them. [b]"I am pleased to find citizens, and even.." he paused to nod his head at Camilla, "foreigners that are willing to take a stand against such things."[/b] Camilla nooded her head in a gesture of thanks before picking up a piece of bread and sopping it into the thick stew that the inn was serving and popping it into her mouth. Her head still buzzed from whatever had happend but the food seemed to be helping, at least a little. [b]"We are not in the habit of letting evil go unchallenged Herr Von Koneinswald... or sir Von Koneinswald if you are a knight as you say," [/b]Camilla's voice kept its Brettonian inflections perfectly. The Witch Hunter waved away the distinction. [b]"Von Koneinswald is fine Frau Du Couronne,"[/b] he replied, the question bringing a slight smile to his lips. [b]"As is Vivvienne,"[/b] she rejoined, "you mentioned something about sharing information outside?" The Reiklander nodded. [b]"Truthfully, I didn't come here to root out a cult, or at least no more than usual, I was looking into more... internal matters you might say, but I cannot shake the feeling that this might all be connected somehow."[/b] The Witch Hunter fished in a pocket and produced a small book with many improvised book marks and started flipping through pages. He frowned when he found what he was looking for. [b]"There are certain days, which the Ruinous Powers find auspicious Geheimnisnacht and Hexensnacht of course but there are others. Tomorrow night is such a night..."[/b] Camilla looked over at Cydric with concern. [b]"Do you think that whatever this cult is planning will occur then?" [/b]she asked, trying not to think of Cyrdric's story of what this warpstone was capable of. Von Koneinswald closed the book with a sudden snap and then looked a little embarassed for having caused her to start. [b]"I do not find the actions of the agents of Chaos to frequently make sense Fra... that is to say Vivvienne but it does worry me yes."[/b] [@POOHEAD189]