Anya watched as some new strange guy tried to steal Valentine's bike. Valentine clearly wasn't having a good day and it made Anya feel just the slightest bit guilty for the way she treated him, but still, she didn't let that change the fact that she was going to be the one to steal that lovely bike. Arm back in place Anya snatched up her suitcase and ran outside. Noting a beautiful red head at the bar with some sort of sensor beeping away on her arm as she exited. As soon as she stepped foot outside she realised what caused that beeping. [img][/img] They had found her! With a complete disregard for property or life, the large vehicle came thundering madly down the street. Taking a clear path right through Marco and Valentine. Anya didn't stop moving as she exited the building instead breaking into a run as she launched herself at the distracted duo on the bike. She couldn't save the bike but hopefully her momentum would be enough to just get the guys out of the way. [hr] In a matter of minutes six vengeful, ex-military, heavily armed, private operatives would flood from the vehicle. They are operating in radio silence. One remained in the vehicle and is tracking Anya with thermal imaging. These guys meant business.