Cyrdic idly bit into his trencher. The bread, cheese, and meat was too enticing for the hungry soldier to not bite into. He'd been hungry enough to have the 'campaign hunger.' Often times when out marching, the lack of food made him believe (sometimes rightly so) that his muscled abdomen was shrinking, muscles and all. It was now hard wired into his mind for him to think of that whenever he was particularly hungry, unfortunately. He felt better with the solid food now, however. "That is troubling," Cyrdic replied, stone face now mired in concentration. He should have guessed that such a night had been approaching. Of course, most people in the southern provinces worried about that, for most nights in the north were nights when chaos was about. But it always paid to pay attention to Morrsleibs and its cycles. "And the...internal investigation?" Cyrdic asked, brow furrowed. Von Koneinswald raised an eyebrow, looking to Cyrdic. "That is for me to know, herr Reiner." "I understand," Cyrdic replied. "Only, as guests of the Graf and privvy to his banquettes and counsel, I merely thought it would good to know what you meant, if you were implying what I think you were..." The Witch Hunter bit his tongue, and looked between Camilla and Cyrdic, before clearing his throat... [hr] When the meeting had broken, Cyrdic and Camilla decided it was best to merely stroll about for a bit before making it back to their Inn's room. They had some things to discuss without prying ears, after all. Apparently, there had been very heretical leaks from Boris Todbringer's inner circle, helping the heretics to evade capture. It was enough to distress the Witch Hunter, and the 'Wolf lovers' did not often give him much information to go by. He had said he would continue to investigate throughout the day, and the two of them should retire for the evening. He would contact them if he needed help. He did implore them to ask around the courts, however. Cyrdic would not sit idly by as Koneinswald searched alone within the city. But he knew it would be best to return back to the room for the night, for Camilla's sake if nothing else. She still seemed a bit out of it, and if he went out searching alone, she would likely follow no matter what. Cyrdic set some water on the table beside her. The room was fairly big. Much bigger than most Inn rooms at least. A large bed, a desk, a table with two chairs, and a fireplace just next to it. Cyrdic had undone his vest and unlaced his boots, leaving his linen shirt on his body as he leaned against his chair. The firelight played across his skin as he sighed, running a hand through his hair. Ulric and Sigmar, things kept getting worse and worse. But first things first. "Are you ok?" he asked Camilla, iron eyes meeting hers. "You gave me a scare earlier. What exactly happened?" He was nearly effected too. But with his sword, he had not received the full brunt of it. He hadn't felt it like her. [@Penny]