[@Veradana] [h3][color=ec008c]Fumi the Steenee[/color] and [color=silver]Aika the Mawile[/color][/h3][b][Team Rhythm][/b] [b][Valiant Village - Town Gate][/b] As Tinuviel finally joined their group, Fumi regained her composure as they prepared to set out. [color=silver]"That's good to hear, Tinuviel. We've gotta get moving quickly if we're going to make it back by nightfall."[/color] Aika explained, showing him the path plotted on their Wonder Map. [color=silver]"We'll take the same route down and back. If everything goes well, we'll have Lena home in time for dinner."[/color] She finished, storing the map back in her bag. [color=ec008c]"Alright, enough chit chatting! Let's go Aika, Tin'!"[/color] She said, abbreviating the Noibat's name both for quickness and the fact that she could barely pronounce it. As she took the lead, Aika took a moment to clear things up. [color=silver]"That's Fumi for you... well, we don't want to be left behind. It'll definitely be interesting, we've never really worked with another Guild Member other than our team before. We'll all do our best though, I'm sure."[/color] She said before following after her Grass Type Teammate. [@UmbreonRogue] [h3][color=0072bc]Luna the Lucario[/color], [color=00aeef]Wade the Frogadier[/color], and [color=f26522]Scarlet the Braixen[/color][/h3][b][Guildmaster, Team Rhythm][/b] [b][Valiant Village - Town Center][/b] The Buizel seemed to calm down somewhat now, going as far to give her name and inquire about the Village itself. [color=0072bc]"Ah. Well, Mermes, many years ago, before your time, a great war raged across the globe, against an evil so terrible even the Legendary Pokemon were unable to stop it alone. The war lasted for years, and many Pokemon lost their lives in more ways than one."[/color] Luna began, beckoning the Buizel to follow as she began to guide the group around the Village. [color=0072bc]"When the war was finally over, many Pokemon were still afraid, and there was much to do to bring the world back into a state of peace and order."[/color] She took a moment to stop before the Founders Fountain in the center of the plaza before continuing. [color=0072bc]"In order to help those Pokemon find peace, a group of veterans from the war built a Village on the spot where the Final Battle was waged, not just to signify their victory against the evil, but as a sign of hope for the future so such a terrible conflict would never arise again."[/color] She sighed. [color=0072bc]"Over time the Village grew and grew, as more Pokemon rallied behind the cause, until it became what it is today."[/color] She finished, motioning to the world around her. [color=0072bc]"Not everything should be feared, for the more you fear something, the more it can affect your life."[/color] She explained, taking a moment to sense the aura of Mermes. [color=0072bc]"Interesting... you have a unique spark of curiosity, though more often than not it is hidden behind a shell of fer and insecurity..."[/color] She said to herself once more before setting her gaze on the Water Type again. [color=0072bc]"The crowds... they make you nervous, right? Why don't we head to one of the most tranquil parts of the village? In fact, that's where I was going to conduct these two's training session."[/color] She asked, Scarlet and Wade talking amongst themselves. [color=f26522]"Guildmaster Luna is definitely one of the kindest Pokemon I've ever met. She's willing to help anyone, anytime."[/color] Scarlet said, Wade nodding. [color=00aeef]"Yeah, and this time I can't complain. It was kind of interesting to actually learn about the history of this place."[/color] He admitted. [color=00aeef]"It's definitely a contrast to Guildmaster Spirit... he focuses on strength and discipline while..."[/color] Wade started. [color=f26522]"... Guildmaster Luna focuses on compassion and teamwork. They're like two sides of the same Poke'."[/color] She finished.