[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=008080]William Harper[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-joToxLegqZk/UlP_OiXe43I/AAAAAAAAcfs/_sbEOs83YPQ/s400/Peinados+de+hombres+al+estilo+de+Christian+Bale-1.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=teal]Location:[/color][/b] Captain's Office[hr][/center] Tech secured, Harper took a quick jog back to the fore. He paused for a second, considering his options. Basic information on the ship and items of a technical nature were readily accessible from the Bridge, true, but he had already gathered what he could from the Bridge. At least, what a Lieutenant could gather from the Bridge. After the nabbing what he could and covering his tracks, most of the systems were back to default. It would take a little doing, but recovery might be possible with time and a little effort. The problem was that all the good stuff would require Captain's access. Ordinarily, the Bridge would be the optimal spot to access what he needed, but as he couldn't manage to screw together a Captain's rank for this little endeavor, he would have to take this to the old man's office. Affecting a [i]flawless[/i] Alliance Right Face, he threw a salute at the office door and boldly stated, [color=008080]"Requesting permission to enter, sir!"[/color] Nothing... Harper put a hand to his ear, as if actually listening to the absent dead guy. Cocking his head to the side, he waited for a second or two before responding to himself with a satirical, [color=008080]"...Thank you, Cap'n!"[/color] and stepping through the door. After knowing the Captain for a scant few days, this office was everything he had expected it was. Organized, uptight, and sterile. There was a sense that it was used recently by someone else; a few things not perfectly in place, but he assumed that it was due to the presence of Anisa. The details aside, this place was serviceable for working on high-end electronics, possibly as an operating theatre. [color=008080]"What was that, Captain?"[/color] asked Harper. [color=008080]"Make myself at home? Only because you insist, sir."[/color] He slid fluidly behind the desk which dominated the room, settling himself into the very stately chair that once served as resting place for the asses of persons infinitely more loyal to the cause than himself. [color=008080]"You know, chair,"[/color] he said aloud again, obviously addressing the piece of furniture beneath himself, [color=008080]"I damn near got the official nod to sit in one of you, a while back. That, or acquire extended secondary education. Think I made the right choice? Hmm? Really? Well, fuck you, chair. You and your desk buddy, both. I'm a lot more clever than you. Oh yeah, and I'm [i]definitely[/i] going through those drawers while I'm running a diagnostic, you can both eat it."[/color] He giggled a little while he connected his black box terminal to the Captain's personal one. [color=008080][i]"Eat it."[/i][/color] Yes, he was running a cursory diagnostic before delving any further. It was the smart move. And yes, true to his word to the ...chair... he was definitely looting the office for anything it might hold, be it contraband, personal effects, hardcopy backups, password clues, etc. Fast and efficient. He was a man of his word, after all. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f9ad81]Foy Coiffeur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://snippetstudios.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/a-million-ways-to-die-in-the-west-640x350.png [/img][hr][b][color=f9ad81]Location:[/color][/b] Cargo [hr][/center] Upon hearing that the Preacher was indeed in the mood for what they referred to on Farraday as "a bit of sport", Foy seemed pleased with the situation. He snapped his fingers in the air, using the gesture to draw attention to himself as he pointed at both Atticus and Jahosafat simultaneously, offering, [color=f9ad81]"Excellent notion, yes, particularly excellent notion. This evening appears to be coagulating into quite the social affair! Now, so far as I can gather from our impromptu planning, we've three out of four speaking up in the positive, leaving but one, that particular singularity being our new Captain."[/color] he paused for a second, [color=f9ad81]"Well, not quite [i]my[/i] Captain yet; I've not committed to terms as of this, our ongoing conversation. I remain hopeful, however. It has been ages since I've traded fire nor fisticuffs alongside my truest comrade."[/color] He tipped his cap ever so slightly in the direction of Jahosafat to emphasize the object of his last descriptor. Foy was in good spirits. His mood was elevated enough that he volunteered something slightly out of character. [color=f9ad81]"Oh, Miss Pender? No no, my apologies madame, [i]Doctor[/i] Pender. Or shall I call you Dorothy? I am unsure as to whether our present set of social circumstances appropriately colors our means of address more toward the formal, the professional, or the personal. Certainly, we aren't quite friends yet; not at this juncture. Nor are we colleagues, either. Hmm... It is a pip confusing, but nonetheless a digression of my point, that being unmentioned until the following: If you desire the additional assistance of the dolly for purposes of transporting our personals and sundries from Point A (that being our merchant-bound vessel) to Point B (the recently acquired storage holdings), kindly allow me the space of five minutes to acquire the last of my professional cases, and I shall dedicate myself toward the expedient movement and storage of our collective belongings."[/color] It may have seemed like a sliver of altruism came from Foy right then, but the truth lay nearer to the fact that the sooner they put distance between them and the Retribution, the sooner they could move along to the frivolity. [color=f9ad81]"I say, perhaps after the more laborious of our efforts have concluded and our business draws to its cessation, I should hazard a look into town; get a feel for local prices and attempt to secure suitable lodging, so much as the civilized parts around these docks may provide."[/color] Foy began back out of the Cargo Bay, eager to grab the last of his things and get started.