Will's stomach rumbled. Trying to see some real scenery during his travels, he had decided to fly over totally untouched lands. This led to a few days without food, as his rations had run out. Now he needed an inn and a large meal. He found his solution in Westville, which seemed to be flowing with some unusual people. Or maybe they were normal and he simply had yet to see them in the world, which he doubted. In any case, they were here and he wanted to meet the heavily armed individuals. They gave Will something else to think about rather than his hunger, which still bothered him profusely. Will himself wasn't used to traveling in a group like these fellas were making. He had spent too much time traveling from place to place to have formed or joined one. Nevertheless, he enjoyed stories and would try to pry some information from them. Before he went to talk to them, however, he decided he would like something to drink. Will dropped down on the street at the edge of the town center where he spotted a brewery. Inside, he found some refreshing, fruity ale and some bread. He had a small flask filled with the ale and refilled one of his larger flasks with water by tapping it. Once done, he stepped outside and back into the town center, where he found an outside table to eat his bread and drink the ale. Will ate slowly; he could faintly feel magic wielders approaching. It appeared that he had found the right spot to wait. He also had a thought come to him to explain the others. He had heard about the Kindred before - a story he once heard in a tavern. People who help those in need and those who deserve it while also fighting off the evil in the world(s). If that was the case, then they would be here to fight something or someone evil. Unless they were all armed and dangerous looking for the fun of it. But that didn't seem reasonable. Will put his feet up and drank his ale. All he had to do now was wait.