[color=ed1c24] [h2] [center] Lucian Vazquez [/center] [/h2][/color] Lucian gave a short smirk at the rather ridiculous pose Ducklett had taken when the pokemon noticed his presence. In response Lucian very slowly put his left hand forwards and began to speak just as slowly [color=ed1c24]"You're trainer asked me to come and get you. Now I'm going to call your trainer and find out where they are so I can return you to her. Okay?" [/color] Assuming he wasn't attacked by Ducklett in a wild frenzy, Lucian slowly reached for his pokedex with his right hand and used it to contact Mia with the number she'd gave him [color=ed1c24]"Hello? This is Lucian speaking, I've found your Ducklett after a run in with those trainers you spoke of. Tell me where you are and I'll return him, I also have a few questions about what those trainers said but that can wait."[/color] Lucian said, still holding the pokedex close to his ear like a phone and holding his hand out as if trying to keep Ducklett at a safe distance. Houndour was simply sitting behind Lucian and watching the entire scenario with amusement in his eyes.