[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://fireflyonlinewiki.com/w/images/b/b1/Newhope.png[/img] [i]Newhope[/i][/center][hr][hr] [center][color=ed1c24][i]~Once again. rolls where made for Anisa's Crew to see if anyone would by chance notice the new arrival hiding behind the crates. None will notice her off hand or get a feeling that something isn't right. She is doing well at keeping unnoticed at this time~[/i][/color][/center] Luck be a lady tonight, luck be a lady tonight. Um, excuse me. Song stuck in my head. Anywho.... Over by the Lady Luck as the boys listen in, one of them of obviously not paying attention to what is said. His eyes are elsewhere. A quick glance will tell anyone around him that he is eying a couple it looks like. The man being a good several inches shorter than Aiden and much more geektastically pasty and weak looking. The woman is attractive and while shorter than the men around, stands at an average height and build. "Ten says I can scare off that fidgeting pasty within five minutes," the boy says diverting the attention of the rest of the group as he motioned over to the two. The boy himself is no boy but probably in his mid twenties, dressed like a second-hand store clerk. Suit and vest, little bowler cap, but it is all well worn and obviously aged and been through more than just general wear. His blue eyes flash as he pulled the toothpick from his teeth. "What say you mates?" "I'll take that bet," one says. "You're out of yer bloody mind, I lay twenty down saying she's his body guard," another laughs and the rest break out chuckling. Over on the ship, things are not as entertaining. Atticus seems rather excited about getting things done and slips his jacket off, tossing it onto a crate. It lands there with a plop, its sleeve falling over the backside of the crate and nearly hitting the new comer in the head. It just misses. Rolling up his sleeves he grins from ear to ear. [color=fff79a]"Well, let's get our labors underway! Even God took a day of rest!"[/color] he said excitedly as he started to get a move on. [color=gray]"I say, good call good man! Let us finish this so we can get our frivolity on! I do hope you will be joining us Miss Dorothy, we aren't in Kansas anymore and I dare say you would use a jaunt down the yellow brick road,"[/color] he laughed as he followed suit with Atticus and got to work. More than happy to get off the ship and have some fun that evening. He could use a break before his mind went through a meltdown. Anisa wandered out of engine room of the ship and out into the cargo hold with a smirk on her lips. The buyer looked upset but he shoved a bag towards her. "Fine, we have a deal. You have 3 hours to get off," he said before storming off. Anisa's smirk only grew as he left before turning around to see the rest, or at least most of the rest of the crew, getting to work. [color=f26522]"You heard the man, count down has begun. Three hours and we are off this boat. Dorothy, make sure everything is cleared out before that time. I am going to secure lodging for the crew this evening and meet with the seller I spoke with this morning. Any luck and we will have a new home shortly,"[/color] she said before she headed towards her quarters to make one last sweep of them. She wanted to make sure she hadn't left anything behind. She was sure she hadn't but she had spent more time in Quinn's office cleaning it out than her own room. Over in Quinn's office, the scan didn't show anything at this time and it seemed Anisa had taken it on herself to take anything that was personal effects or hard files already out of the office the night before. The place seemed to be rather thoroughly cleaned. All except a single picture that was wedge in the back corner of a secondary drawer in the desk. A picture of Camilla and Quinn at an Alliance party. Quinn seemed much younger in the image and far less "monstrous."