Like many others, Cyrus had found himself swallowed up in the sea of waves of the students in his graduating class. He looked around scanning the crowds for his now single mother, his only cheerleader in his accomplishment through making it through school. His grades were never perfect since he moved so much, and because of this many family members doubted his ability to overcome a difficult educational career, but he had finally put their words and doubts to rest. After an eternity of searching his eyes had finally locked in on the sight of his beautiful young mother sitting in the crowd, her only company being an extremely large and obnoxiously decorated poster she'd made for this day. He smiled and gave a slight wave to her, even blowing a kiss to her, then catching one she'd blown back to him in return. [i]"Wow, I made it"[/i], he thought to himself as he waited anxiously for his name to be called for his diploma. It felt like only seconds had passed when his name had finally been called, the moment went so quickly and he was flushed filled with Pride when he had crossed the stage in front of the thousands. The thousands of atrangers and his one mother who cried out for him, finally it had felt like someone was behind him besides just his mom. After the ceremony ended Cyrus immediately searched for his mother in the sea of families outside. And was promptly tackled to the ground by her weight when she'd found him before he could spot her. [i]"Oh my baby, I'm so proud of you! You looked so great up there on that stage."[/i] she squealed this out, her eyes flooding tears of joy. He let out a heavy laugh, almost losing control of his own breathing as he picked himself off the ground with his mother. [i]"Are you finally done freaking out?[/i]he asked with a smile as his mother began to fan herself and come back down from her emotional high. [i]"I think so."[/i] They carried on for a while now, going back and forth talking of his dreams and intentions with going on the trip. Taking final photos before they hugged each other goodbye before his departure. He walked to the parking lot with his mother to escort her to her vehicle and retrieve his bags for the long trip ahead. He gave her a final kiss on the check, before finally waving goodbye, the found his way towards the rest of his peers who had already met for the trip. Once he was there, he immediately stripped from his gown and stuffed it into a bag. Revealing that he'd not been within standard dress code for the ceremony at all. His outfit consisted of black leather converse that must've somehow passed as dress shoes, a tight pair of black ribbed joggers, a mesh shirt with a red flannel over it. He joined his peers now, not saying a word but only wanting them to interact first, he was shy.