[img]http://i.imgur.com/CTaPUTc.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jlWEQLO.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/ICT9yt6.png[/img] [h1] “Now THAT’S Vault Secure!”-Vault 99 recruiting billboard on the lower stretch of I-35 [/h1] [hider= WIP Flag] [/hider] [hider=Territory] The area around San Antonio to Corpus Christi on the sea. Their forces and spies operate in a constantly shifting sphere of influence on the frontier. [/hider] [hider=History] To protect its oil and business interests, the United States invaded Mexico in the year 2051. The Mexican army’s resistance was heroic, but futile. In the following years, Mexico was made into a hellish patchwork of areas under martial law, areas under the private ownership of corporations, and areas under American governors. The result was a vast and confused pillaging of Mexico’s wealth and oil. A lack of oversight meant unbridled greed, violence, and corruption festered across the land. Any resistance to Mexico’s vassalage was put down hard. A group of generals, fat on wealth pulled from Mexico, decided to use their loot to get their own Vault to wait out the apocalypse. Vault Tec immediately saw an opportunity for an experiment. Their ambassadors from Vault Tec convinced the generals of a proposition: they’ll get a cushy hideaway to save themselves if they agree to let their vault be used for a unique military based experiment. The generals of course accepted, unaware of the force they would be releasing upon a future America, and then construction started in Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio: A massive vault filled with several hundred military men who fought in Mexico, their families, and the finest military equipment of United States Army. The experiment was to see if supposedly freedom loving Americans could be converted to accept a more militarist and ordered society, and then set them loose on the world with vague guiding ideals of restoring the “law and order”, “rightful living room for true Americans”, and the “traditions of America”. And set loose they were. In 2260, they took swiftly conquered San Antonio. The fiercest battle was when the last of the city watch tried to hold out in the Alamo, but the more advanced weapons soon finished them off. They unlocked more equipment they had stored at Lackland Air Force Base and Camp Bullis, including power armor, fighter planes, and weapon caches. Vault 99 blitzed to New Austin, where the combined forces of Texas and the Angels of War(Some of their pre war soldiers were soldiers under disillusioned with Stein's brutal methods) drove them back to San Marcos: the static front and uneasy border between the Confederation and the Vault. They spent the next years building vast fortifications around San Antonio, and establishing iron fisted rule over some surrounding territory. When the Hoover War came they were surprised, as their intelligence operatives had not reached that far west. Then the Confederation launched a preemptive strike against the newly christened SA Capital District. The city’s new walls were put to the test, but the Texans were beat back. The last years have been spent ramping up military production, and expanding their influence across parts of the Frontier and their old domain of Mexico. They’re prepared to make their mark, no matter how strained they are to establish themselves as more than an army. [/hider] [hider=Population] 75,000. 20,000 are descendants of the Vault 99’s pre war soldiers. Breeding programs ensured that their resettlement of America wouldn’t fizzle out as a result of inter-breeding and low population. They are the upper class of every major community under their rule, and afforded the best of pre war education and wealth. 55,000 are the remaining locals of the area Vault 99 rules. Many are oppressed in an almost feudal style, being forced to work hard on farms and factories for only a few Vault dollars and “protection”. Other parts of the population did see their conditions improve with the arrival of Vault 99 forces, but face strict laws and surveillance. The people can improve their lives by serving in the military, but are treated like cannon fodder. Any and all mutants and ghouls have long since been exterminated in work camps. [/hider] [hider= WIP Government/Domestic Politics] A council of generals and advisors has absolute authority. Everyone follows stringent rules, and is expected to give their best for the good of the Vault. [/hider] [hider= WIP Notable People] General Douglas Stein- A pre-war general carefully preserved in a cryo pod similar to those used in Vault 111. While the other generals assigned to Mexico were some of the United States’s weakest, General Douglas Stein was one of the best and was expected to keep the whole occupation together. His strategy is ruthless and brutal, believing in using any means necessary to restore the United States of America as he knew it. He has been repeatedly pulled in and out of cryosleep to keep him available whenever Vault 99 needs him, but lately he has been disillusioned with this. He believes the cryo sleep also serves to keep the younger leaders in power as long as possible. He wants to exercise his vision, seeing himself as the rightful leader. He is tall and bearded, with chocolate brown hair. [/hider] [hider= WIP Military] 25,000 soldiers clad in blue digital camoflauge 11,000 are descendants of Vault 99 families, and are equipped with high quality combat armor, APCs, advanced weapons, and power armor. Only these soldiers are trusted to fly the Vault’s fleet of vertibirds and pre-war fighter planes, including three squads of Stingray Deluxes. The last 14,000 are conscripts, canon fodder, and labor. They are tempted to the army with upward mobility dangled in front of them. [/hider] [hider=Economy] The economy is organized by overseers to best benefit the Vault. Some free sectors are allowed, but typically when they are inconsequential like trade in cheap junk and living necessities. [/hider] [hider=Culture and Technology (include views towards slavery and mutants)] Militaristic culture, favoring strength, evolution, and supremacy over the weak. They value upward mobility IF you are a “true American”. They attempt to simulate parts of American culture as well, with baseball being played often amongst Vault Americans. They have advanced military technology that they tinkered with during their long years underground, including what they call the Pip Boy 4000. They use some basic tech to improve the conditions of wastelanders to sell the image they improve the lives of their subjects. Meanwhile, the elite live in nearly pre-war conditions with replicants of pre-war consumer technology. Ghouls and mutants are to be exterminated or sent to labor camps. They are not humans or Americans to the Vault. Wastelanders are not as dehumanized as they are by the Enclave, but are still considered second class citizens, and not “true Americans”. [/hider] [hider=Religion] Christianity is utilized to reinforce the values of the Vault, and “Vault 99 Prime Bibles” are distributed amongst the population. [/hider]