[@HereComesTheSnow][@FlitterFaux] The creaking door to the café opened with the quiet tinkling of a bell, and in came two women conversing animatedly with one another. The shorter of the pair, older and having entered middle age, brushed back strands of short, neatly-cut black hair as she turned her warm green eyes upon the room, her very face becoming aglow upon catching sight of the large, bustling group seated deeper into the venue. Her youthful companion, whose similar pretty looks indicated a clear relation, shook her head with a bemused smile at the excited waves being sent that far-off table's way, instead choosing to move out of the way of the two teenagers that had wished to exit rather than take up time by also happily waving. Her luscious, dark-brown hair, bordering upon a deep, inky black, was tied back into a swaying ponytail by a simple white hair-tie. She wore a woolen grey cardigan, one that had been neatly buttoned over a brunswick green shirt. Her black-and-white checkered skirt cut off just above the knees of her stocking-covered legs. Each quiet step she took with her black flats made her hair swing gently from side to side as she walked past the duo of Luke and Skye, her manner and aura light and casual. She turned her head towards them as she passed, onyx eyes meeting them with an even gaze. Her smile, a soft and radiant expression that seemed so natural on her pale face, had yet to leave. "[color=66cd00]Schwarz,[/color]" said [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xuXaZfGUY0]Gratia Mindaro[/url] in casual greeting. And she kept on walking.