[center][color=ed145b][h3]~Cerise~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] As Cerise sat and waited, time seemed to slow to a crawl as the thorny vines of Versomme gnawed at the back of her consciousness. Perhaps only for her - she doubted the simpleton known as Yui would feel any such annoyances. Still, she was in control here. She wouldn't give in so easily to those urges from the demon. Instead, she stood and stretched. As long as she could keep moving and have something else to focus on for a bit, she could silence the demon. [color=ed145b]"Ha,"[/color] She smirked, walking over the now blood-soaked ground. [color=ed145b]"I wonder if they'll come back dead, hmm?"[/color] She chuckled. [color=ed145b]"I have to admit, I'm getting a little impatient. I have half a mind to go Tyrant hunting regardless of some distress signal..."[/color] Besides, the longer she went without indulging the demon, the more sheer satisfaction she and it both felt...at least, that's what she told herself to try and placate the beast at times. It would be quite difficult for Yui to tell that she was being a little antsy because of Versomme, though it wouldn't be impossible to pick up that something was bothering the redhead. But again, all daybreakers were victims of such annoyances at times. Either way, if things took much longer to get started Cerise was going to do something regardless.