[color=yellow][h3][center]Lunalel Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] A thrown dagger? How crude. Yet, as Luna watched the cat throw it, it was easy enough to dodge by pulling the entirety of her torso to the left and extending her left foot out a bit. That was more than enough distance to escape certain death. Now the cat was aiming at something. Not that Luna'd let up. It was simple enough to parry the cat's thrust. Maoin could do it to her in the same circumstances. Normally, she'd retaliate with a kick, but her current stance wouldn't allow for it. Rather, she took the moment to instead swing back at Maoin, just to gain some distance. [color=red][h3][center]Eith and Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] [color=tan]"If you're willing to help, I'll take you up on the offer."[/color] Still, it left a weird feeling in Kozue. [color=tan]"And you have no desire for anything in return?"[/color] She had to ask. There didn't seem to be much of anyone willing to do things for free around town. Kozue had learned from experience and word of mouth. [color=tan]"Well, if you could guide me that would be appriciated."[/color] [color=green][h3][center]Katherine Lindall[/center][/h3][/color] [color=green]"Making that outfit you liked at the shop. I told you yesterday didn't I?"[/color] Katherine said, making a slight change to the plan she had. [color=green]"Actually, get down here and take your clothes off and put these on."[/color] Katherine said whilst grabbing a couple of things. A piece of tape she used for measuring. She needed the cat's measurements after all. She also grabbed two pieces of clothing. [color=green]"Undergarments. So you're not completely bare."[/color] They weren't exactly pretty, but they did their job.