[@The Jest] While his friend dealt with the two humans outside, Price heard a voice from somewhere and looked down to see a black cat. He waited a few moments before giving him an honest answer. "No, but I used to be." He had to keep away from humans so his demon wouldn't get out. Not like Morgana needed to know about that considering the two just met. [hr] [@The Jest] Hunter listened to this and grinned. "Alrighty." He looked at his favorite minion and pointed to where Dino-boy was. "Go get him, boy!" Shadowsaur nodded before rushing towards Arin and knocking him over with its foot. [hr] By now, Arin was walking by himself when something knocked him over all of sudden. He rolled over to see who or what dared to do that. Only one thought came to mind the moment he saw the big dino-like shadow. [i]Of course he'd be here.[/i] He went to get up only to be pushed back down by Shadowsaur's foot. He then grabbed said foot in attempt to push it off of him. [i]Why can't HE just leave me alone?[/i] [hr] [@The Jest] Golden nodded as he made a few finishing touches on the machines. He pointed at the screen as he looked at his minions. "See that wolf right there?" [b][i][color=purple]"Yes, master."[/color][/i][/b] "You're mission is go out there and defeat him. Now go!" The machines made robotic-like howls before heading off to find Joey. [hr] Joey was fighting the tree that had attacked him earlier which felt ridiculous to him. He decided to stop after awhile. That's when a rumbling caught his attention instead and he looked over to see a bunch of robotic-like werewolves heading straight for him. He turned to face them despite how fast they seemed to be going. He lunged at one before trying to latch himself to it and digging his claws in as well. He then jumped off to see if it did anything. He sighed as it seemed he only managed to put dents in its metallic body. [hr] [@Raptra] [i]My friend went in there and let's just say he's got a major problem with your kind.[/i] Since they now knew he was the one speaking telepathically to them, Juno shifted to his human form with his cat ears and tail still out. [i]And if I know him well enough by now, he's just trying to keep from hurting you.[/i] He finally got the idea the kid seemed more curious than scared. [i]You can help him by not going anywhere near him.[/i]