James Hunter Appearance (No anime pl0x)- [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/073/d/8/ra_character_contest__the_survivalist__by_noneofurbussiness-d4sr1av.jpg] he never takes off the mask around others, so there's no point in giving a pic that shows his face. Age- 19 Bio (no TBR)- James has always had bad things happen to those around him, or others have betrayed him. His dad died a few days after he was born, his mom was always out working, and he had no friends, so as a child he always used to hang out in the woods, and hunted a lot. He didn't bother becoming better at melee until he was attacked by a mountain lion. Soon after the infection started, he had to shoot his own mother in the head because she became a shambler. Soon after he started fending for himself, and started acting as a scavenger, using whatever he could find(and/or build). Everyone he's accepted help from has ended up leaving him to die, so now he doesn't trust anyone. Personality (no TBR)- James has extreme trust issues, and actually lives by the motto "Trust no one, not even yourself." Being a scavenger, if he finds a camp of people, he'll sneak in and take some things that may be useful. He's even killed other non-infected people before, because they tried to get him eaten by zombies. So now he just scavenges and steals supplies, whether he just found them laying around, or he stole them from other survivors. Skills (Pick 2)- Great at improvising and building new weapons, and is an extremely accurate and precise marksman. Other- Ron Affiliation- no faction. He's only on his own side, because he knows that anyone can get infected, so he chooses not to trust or get close to anyone.