Name: [url=]Charlene “Charlie” Cahill[/url] Previous Ranger Title: S.P.D. A-Squad Red Ranger Current Ranger Title: Red Multiverse Ranger Brief History: Charlie joined S.P.D. Earth Branch because she thought it was the right thing to do. She had seen the alien attacks of Earth, the lives lost, the buildings destroyed, the Power Rangers always the winners. She became the first female Red Ranger in Earth’s history. What she didn’t know was that the evil space aliens were not the conquerors she was made to believe. They were trying to save us from the evil Zordon, Dimitria, and others. Emperor Grumm lured her and her team away from Earth and captured them. Grumm showed them the error of her ways. She and her team joined Grumm. They were without a Megazord since B Squad became Earth’s protectors in their absence. To even the playing field they waited until they developed a new one. Power Rangers always develop more. In the mean time they helped Grumm on other missions to keep their skills sharp. Finally S.P.D. developed their S.W.A.T. Mode and S.W.A.T. Megazord. Once the word spread to A Squad they returned with Grumm as their prisoner. While Grumm was interrogated and tortured A Squad was treated as the heroes. They bided their time; eventually they sabotaged B Squad’s S.W.A.T. Mode, Delta Runners, & Delta Base. They stole the S.W.A.T. Flyers and rescued Grumm. After the destruction of S.P.D. Earth’s Branch they moved on to the other branches and destroyed them one by one.