Blood spurted up a foot into the air when Golem tore his axe free of the mutants throat. Another came at him and the blow had cleaved downwards, splitting the mutants head all the way down through its larynx leaving Golem undefended from the charging mutant on his left. It slammed its sledgehammer into his side. The pain from the blow was annoying, but what worried Golem was the dent in the side of his armor. Ignoring the breach for the moment he backhanded the offending mutant, giving him just the time to turn his shield to intercept the next blow. The Muttie had some strength, Golem would give it that, and it's swing brought him to his knees. Resting his shield on the ground he knelt waiting as the Mutant stepped forward to bring a devastating downward blow. Grinning to himself, his hand grabbed the handle of his shotgun and swung his shield upwards as the Super raised its weapon above it head. The blow never fell as the mutant ceased to have a head when the close range shot rained bloody gore down on Golem's standing form. Turning, he brought his gun up and shot the second round into the rubble behind him. To many he would have looked insane; wasting a round on an empty space, but any of the team watching would have been rewarded with the flickering of the stealth boy as the Nightkin fell to its knees, it's unarmored chest blown open by the shell. Smiling to himself Ozymandias was glad that that particular night kin had been using the stealth boys for a wee bit too long. It had clearly lost control of it a mind as it was muttering to itself as it snuck up on him. His smile faded as he turned back to see a mutant rip his axe from the corpse of it's fallen brother. No one touched his axe. No one! In one fluid motion he had broke open the shotgun and slipped it into the handle on the inside of his shield. Thumbing a round from his leg bandolier, he loaded the gun and withdrew it snapping it closed. Fingering the right trigger he waited for the mutant to make a move. The bastard raised his axe and started walking forward at a calm pace. This mutant was smarter than it’s predecessors that much was clear. It walked forwards slowly, closing on him, entering range of his gun, but keeping the axe ahead of himself. To kill the mutant he would have to shoot past his axe and the mutant was betting that he wouldn’t want to hurt his weapon. Sadly for the mutant Golem wasn’t that stupid. When it came close enough to swing, he stepped forward and slammed the shield into the mutant or at least he would have slammed the shield into the axe if the mutant hadn’t sidestepped him. Golem barely registered that the mutant had tricked him out before the bastard knocked him down while he was unbalanced. Golem lost the hold on his shield he would have been dead if the Mutant hadn’t stopped to gloat. As its mouth opened to say something offensive before bringing the powered axe down on golem’s head. This was the second time in the past five minutes that he had been knocked on his ass and at the mercy of a Super, it was unacceptable. This time though his smile didn’t return when shot the green shit in the chest. Pushing back to his feet he reloaded, returning his shotgun to its holster. He grabbed his axe and started paying attention to the comms again. Everyone was getting jumped by wanamingos, but even when he was completely exposed, they hadn’t jumped to attack. Carefully, he began fighting his way through the remaining mutants he made his way back to the group keeping an eye out for any wanamingos. He took the pill and downed it, checking the dent in his armor while his helmet was off. The mutant had done a real number on his armor, opening a small rent in the side of the power armor. Luckily the blow had missed one of the power sources so there was no radiation leak, which was a plus. Grinning at their orders he reattached his helmet and slung his axe over his back, he snatched a plasma grenade from the corpse of a fallen super before following Bear. “Hey Bear! Catch!” he called out, throwing the grenade over Bear’s head. He hadn’t pulled the pin and normally he wouldn’t throw a grenade around like this, but Bear was just always so serious. The man needed to lighten up a little.