[@Afro Samurai] Most of Geoff's work has been gold. His run on the Flash when it was the ginger Wally West was incredible and he did a lot of work making the Rogues serious threats again. In JSA he incorporated a lot of different elements and even managed to bring Hawkman back into the fold, and his run on Hawkman was equally as good. Teen Titans was an awesome mix of Young Justice and past versions of the Titans and was one of the top DC titles during Johns run. Green Lantern was good for awhile but now we're stuck with them recycling the seven to nine other colored Corps stories over and over since Geoff Johns left. His Justice League and Aquaman in the New52 were amazing as well. The only things he's done I wasn't impressed with were Superman, Stars and STRIPE, the Thing mini he did for Marvel back around '03, and his short stint on the Avengers. Marvel execs were idiots to let him go before he really got good. -00492