OK, so after some tweaking by [@Member 00492] I've gotten Light revised in a much better way. Bio probably needs a bit more work, same with sample post. Not super happy with them as they are. [hider=Light/Toon Girl] Name: Light Void Alias: Toon Girl Age: 24 Personality: Honest, intelligent, Observant, Lax, Playful Archetype: Mystic/Supernatural Powers: [hider=powers] Super Strength - Depending on her mood, Light can have various levels of Super Strength. While sad or depressed, her arms are basically noodles and can't lift much of anything. When she is determined or angry, her super strength can jump up to levels that can only be matched by a few. In her default state however shes strong enough to be able to lift up a small house and run with it only slightly encumbered. She can also lift enchanted items such as Thor's Hammer when in an 'in the zone' or excited state, but WILL NOT gain any positive or negative effects from them. Toon Regeneration - Light can regenerate from almost any affliction much like any cartoon. The healing can vary on how long it takes, depending on the injury, with physical blows being the fastest to bounce back from, while more energy based things like fire might take longer to regenerate from. Supernatural afflictions or mental afflictions take the longest to regenerate from, and can take upwards of 20 minutes to regenerate from in some cases. Additionally since shes a toon, many injuries that affect her tend to be more 'showy', such as her turning into ash after being on fire for a short time, explosives just charring her black and maybe turning her to ash, body parts finding their way back to her or her pulling new body parts out of stumps if she is cut, blowing herself back to normal, bullets passing through her and leaving holes, turning green when sick, and the like. She doesn't bleed, and she can adapt quickly to hostile environments such as underwater or the depths of space. Toon Agility - Since she is a toon, Light's body acts much like rubber, and can stretch in strange ways. Although she tries to keep herself looking presentable, she can stretch herself to dodge attacks or even reflect small firearms. This also makes her normal movement a bit 'bouncy'. Portable Hole - Light can pull a portable hole from the inside of her dress. This lets her travel to familiar places or any point along her sight lines, and only she, stuff she wears, or stuff in her Pocket Space can enter, the hole feeling like inky paper to anyone else. When placed, either in the air or on the ground, the second hole appears once she enters the first one. There is a slight time delay between when she enters the hole and when she exits the second hole, which is extended if either hole was placed in the air. Pocket Space - Light can store and pull objects from a place she calls 'pocket space', located under her dress. She can pull various objects from this space, but most if not stored previously tend to be useless or downright hazardous if they have the ACME logo on them, and objects pulled from this space tend to look a bit more 'cartoony' then normal. Light can't store or pull living objects from her pocket space. Reality Siphon - Light steals the reality from whatever she touches. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back after a short period depending on how much was lost. When an object has lost lots of its reality, it starts to take on the look of a Toon, but with no beneficial powers, and when it loses all of its reality, it disappears to... somewhere... Reality warping beings have a minor resistance to this ability and massive or cosmic entities have a massive resistance to this ability. Magical things lose their energy quickly. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. [/hider] Weaknesses: -Takes extra damage from attacks -Has an EXCEPTIONALLY difficult time escaping from things that constrict her movement like ropes or nets. -Extremely unlucky, almost to the point where she might just as well have a target painted on her head. -Very susceptible to drugs and some chemicals. -Has a very poor judgement of 'seriousness' and tends to fall into traps very easily as danger isn't something she can really perceive well. -Tends to mostly be a pacifist when fighting, and would rather talk or play with her enemies than fight them. This makes her very easy to talk down from a fight or even bring to your side temporarily. (Lex = instant win) Also makes her very easy to distract. -While strong, she isn't trained in martial arts. Shes also fairly light and easy to throw around. -Due to her 'creepy' touch and slightly unsettling origin/looks, Light has a hard time making any close relationships. Appearance: Light is a 1.8m tall pure white humanoid figure with a thin pear shaped frame. She has an overly large spherical head with short blue hair, no visible nose, very large black and yellow eyes, fin-looking ears, serrated beartrap like teeth, and an incredibly thin neck. She wears a blue tanktop with skinny biceps leading to larger forarms which flow into her nearly cartoonishly big hands which have pointed fingers, wearing cartoony gloves to cover her fingers. She has wide hips, which look even bigger due to the thin short white dress like thing she has which covers her back down to her lower knees and covers her front down to her kneecaps, with the front having an M cut taken out of it. Her legs look normal, short of her having no feet and instead her lower leg ends at a sharp point where her feet would be. Character Evolution: Just to have fun. Having a fun boyfriend wouldn't be too bad either. Though the initial goal is lots of friends. Doesn't mean she wont be a bit flirty though. BRIEF Bio: Light comes from the Void, the space between worlds, or thats what she says anyway. And finding her way to a world full of super powered beings with many, many adventures to have, and many friends to meet! Not to mention all the wondrous food. Of course finding your way to a physical realm isn't the easiest thing in the world, and of course you tend to look fairly alien to everything in that world. So its best if you try to be on the side that most of the world agrees with, especially considering doing so gives you the most freedom and no one wants to spend their time in a world behind bars! So after acclimating herself to the world she found herself in, Light found her way to this 'Justice League' thing. They looked fun, they were heroes, and they had so much freedom Light wondered why anyone wouldn't wanna be them. Notes: Shes interested in anything fun, and loves to eat. You wouldn't think she could eat so much with her small frame, but... While she tries to learn what she can, she doesn't know everyone and everything, especially when it comes to obscure heroes and villains. She does know the big name villains though, but tends to view them as 'story characters' than actual threats. She doesn't view anyone as serious, even if they say they are. Mostly because, in a world where some heroes could blow up the planet. If people were serious there would be deaths everywhere and since there aren't piles and piles of corpses in the streets, everyone is playing in her eyes. Since she has a Genre savvy sort of intellect, shes very good at observations and has a bit of a silver tongue to her. Shes not mechanically inclined though, and gets lost when high technobabble is being spoken. Under her gloves are sharp pointed fingers. Her teeth only 'look' sharp and bear-trap like in an open teeth smile, and look normal in a closed teeth smile or when shes talking. The Void might be a place that is quite familiar, maybe even a different dimension... Superman is a bit, miffed around Toon Girl as well for some reason... Sample Post: The Justice League was such a nice team to be a part of. There was food, lots of people to talk to, and lots of fun to be had! Of course a few league members didn't like being around Light, or Toon Girl as everyone called her. But she was sure they'd come around eventually, after all, everyone wanted a good time at some point! But those that did like her, well, she was always up to playing many sorts of games. She wasn't super great at darts or pool whenever some heroes at the bar wanted to play, but only the techno people could really beat her at Video games. That is, if they weren't busy making a new gadget or doing some work or fighting crime. Speaking of crime, the last fight that Toon Girl was a part of went off fairly well. Some guy named Captain Boomerang tried to rob a bank. Being in the area with Flash on a 'play date', they were able to arrive on the scene pretty fast, considering where they grabbed coffee being right next to the bank he was robbing. He was a playful guy, or well, his accent made him out to be. And boy was he surprised when the two heroes arrived at the first scream, giving him no time to do much of anything. A few hugs or punches later, and he was off to think about what he had done, but not before getting a playful earful from Light. Mostly Australian stuff, due to his accent. Stuff like [color=00aeef]Ya know mate, should've brought your didgeridoo, then we could've had a great party."[/color] or [color=00aeef]"Are you Australian Batman?"[/color] which probably annoyed the guy quite a bit. [/hider]