[hider=Roman Westbrook (Tokyo Ghoul)] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/79e37f_1bdc8b742e09424faa1230752d10c9e7.jpg/v1/fill/w_445,h_455,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/79e37f_1bdc8b742e09424faa1230752d10c9e7.webp[/img] Name: Roman Westbrook Alias’: Romeo, Canine Age: Nineteen Gender: Male Species: Ghoul Birthdate: January 13th Birthplace: Portland, Oregon Ethnicity: Causation Occupation: None Religion: Atheist IQ: 133 --- Weapons/Offensive equipment: [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/34798b512f20f518ca4b9999831bd5de/tumblr_njje4oMvMa1u9f7vko1_500.gif[/img] Bikaku Kagune ([b]SIMPLE EXPLANATION[/b]) [hider=My Hider] Roman's Kagune is [i]similar[/i] to the one pictured above, the only difference being that his Kagune is complete with a mouth at it's tip, equipped with teeth. He can grow up to seven of these tails, or have none at all. [/hider] ([b]DETAILED EXPLANATION[/b]) [hider=My Hider] There are four types of Kagune, categorized by their strong suits and where they emerge from the back. Some have ranged attacks, others are only melee. Kagune's are created from the Kagune Sac within the back, containing a special cell called an "RC Cell." These cells flow like blood, but can become hardened like steel, often referred to as liquid muscle. Because the Ghoul carries a high RC cell count, they are invulnerable to things such as gunfire and knives, but can be overtaken by other ghouls, supernatural abilities, and certain weapons. Roman's Kagune is unique in the fact that is has a mouth, and rather than bash or spearing enemies, they bite and rip instead. Their side-ways strikes that use the body of the tail are significantly weaker than their straightforward hits. Additionally, Roman's Kagune's have makeshift stomachs, and are capable of eating and absorbing nutrients during a fight. And lastly, Roman is capable of producing seven tails only when well-fed and in good health. [/hider] Height: 6'2" Weight: 170 Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair: Between blonde and dirty blonde, and of a moderate length. Skin: Pale Figure/build: Athletic, but thin. --- Love interest(s): None Sexual Orientation: Pansexual --- Dominant Hand: Left Diet: Humans Drinker?: No Smoker?: No Drug user?: No Other addictions?: Hunting Pet peeves: Being challenged, being pushed to eat human food. --- Personality: A cocky, egotistical jerk. But, clever. Clever enough to make a polar switch to be charming, endearing, witty, and classy. His species can often make him unpredictable. He's awfully good at putting his foot in his mouth. Disposition: He is either cool and collected, charming those around him, or callous and threatening. Likes: Blood spiked coffee, coffee shops, the silence after a kill. Dislikes: Screaming, hot weather. Motivations: Hunger and lust. Morals: Very spotty. He has an affinity for animals, but not so much the human race. Fears/Phobias: Further disappointing his father. [/hider]