James relaxed as the Bartender gave his seal of approval. At first he thought they were going to be refused just because of rainbow head. Wouldn't that have sucked. Every avenue of possible investigation would have been squelched. All thanks for his interfering mother. James took a deep breath. At least the bartender was too busy staring at the teen to notice his annoyance. Small mercies in an otherwise trying day. "I will." James promised. He'd make sure rainbow head didn't screw anything up. At the back of the building was a door. It had a few locks on it and James hesitated. The bartender sighed loudly. "It's unlocked while not in business hours." James thanked the man, opened the door and found himself at the base of a flight of stairs. A few choice cuss words went through his brain even as he heard the man behind the bar start laughing to himself. James glared at the steps then started climbing. As with the car, getting back down would be another ballgame all together. Maybe he'd make the kid carry him. The thought caused a chuckle to escape his lips. Wouldn't that be a sight to see?