[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3Ue0KwN.png[/img][/center] [@Lmpkio] They weren't the most talkative bunch it seemed, well, apart from the one human who seemed to be rather fond of pink and talking loudly to someone on the phone. Arra was glad when they finally quit their yapping but after (presumably) being called a monster she wanted little to do with the woman. What she did have interest in was the bar, Arra was going to take any opportunity to sample alien cuisine and now seemed as good a time as any to have a wee sample. Resting against the bar on her elbows she began to use the two front mecha tendrils to examine the various bottles and wines on display, looking for any that sounded good and wouldn’t leave her as drunk as the big guy during the meeting. While doing this she turned to Quinn, and in an attempt to initiate conversation now that the noisy phone lady hat shut up, asked [color=crimson]”Don’t suppose you know what's good among all these?”[/color] She brought up two of the tendrils bearing random bottles to show in-order to punctuate her question. Her voice itself came from two speakers mounted on her helm rather than directly from her mouth and had a quite literal bubbly tone to it, filled with genuine curiosity, a little excitement with all the new things she was experiencing and literal bubbles. She smiled at the woman with a friendly grin made slightly disconcerting by the multiple rows of shark teeth it contained.