[hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/493vS9K.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [Right][h3][code]Kaytlin Weiss[/code][/h3] [code]| 03:30 | District-07: Retail Sector - Flea Market | | Mostly Cloudy 14C Precipitation: 0%, Humidity: 96% Wind: 8km/ |[/code][/right] [hr] An array of household appliances, snack foods and knick-knacks sat nestled in and around various shelves and cabinets, visible from the shopfront's counter. The district's flea market, which was tucked away neatly on the eastern side of the retail sector, remained open twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. So far Kaytlin was impressed, at least by the size of the endeavor in comparison to those she'd visited in other parts of Europa - even if the wares on show had proven to be lackluster. While the young woman had not set her sights on any particular item, the reason for her stroll through the neon lit alleys and side streets was business. Kaytlin wasn't here on a shopping trip and from a glance at her balance earlier in the day she could not act as frivolous with her funding as the weeks previous had afforded. The minutes began to draw on and as she adjusted her gaze from the top rack to directly ahead, Kaytlin was taken aback by the dead stare of the lifeless retail unit that ran this stall in the early hours of the morning. Composing herself, she looked over the android from her position. It was an older model, that was for sure - it resembled a human in shape, height and other amenities but, the faceless and otherwise featureless mannequin left more to be desired and was overall a vague looking creature. That is, if you could even call it that considering the basic programming made it no more than a glorified calculator, an antiquity by all rights. [i]"Browsing, or daydreaming?"[/i] The unfamiliar voice pulled Kaytlin out of her trance like analysis, who snapped her attention to the figure looming over her, mere feet away. [i]"Just waiting on you - I assume."[/i] She retorted, looking up towards her newly acquired company under the dead gaze of the shopkeeper, the chin of her helmet visible under a baggy, canvas hood. [i]"I see you're enjoying the MKIII..."[/i] The overall shady individual remarked, regarding Kaytlin's EuroCorp provided DRONE suit. Height aside, he wasn't a particularly well built man, his slim frame made him appear as more lanky than anything else. There was nothing indicative in his dress or demeanor either that screamed he was an agent but, then again, that was the whole idea. [i]"Walk with me."[/i] The male continued, scratching at a four day stubble before heading further up the alley at a brisk pace. Kaytlin shook her head in annoyance, bemused by the character, muttering under her breath [i]"All right."[/i] before taking after her contact, quickly catching up to him. Head down and hands tightly pocketed, the pair walked in silence for the first few minutes - even for the time of night the market was quiet, although, this was to be expected with some of the riots, still in full bloom around various zones and sectors, being right on the market's doorstep. [i]"So, what's the deal? As lovely as this romantic walk down the boulevard is, I'm not paid by the hour."[/i] Kaytlin broke the long, awkward silence simmering between the pair but, did not receive an answer. She wasn't even sure if the agent had acknowledged her words, she squinted growing frustrated by the man's blatant ignorance. [i]"Hey, what the fucks with the cold shoulder, man?"[/i] It was just as she'd finished speaking that Kaytlin noticed where the man, who failed to introduce himself, had brought them. [i]"Seeing as you're so eager to get on with your task, tell me, what do you see?"[/i] The agent's voice held the same monotone texture as before while he gestured up the street to the blockades and flashing lights of a security force cordon. [i]"Europa security..."[/i] [i]"Yes."[/i] The lanky male cut over her, [i]"These protesters, however gallant and noble their actions are causing a lot of damage to property and EuroCorp's public relations. Our mutual employers want the man, woman or cyborg responsible for the data leak and they want him alive."[/i] [I]"What for?"[/i] Kaytlin inquired but the question was dismissed with a gesture and a stern expression. [i]"How should I know?"[/i] The agent sighed and reached into his pocket taking out a handheld device, his fingers traipsed over the device quickly, fingernails pitter-pattering across the glass screen. [i]"There. I've forwarded you a dossier containing all the information we have but, don't get your hopes up, it isn't much."[/i] [i]"Great."[/i] That famous sarcasm was ever clear regardless of it falling on deaf ears. The pair, standing isolated at quiet crossroads, did not share pleasantries or wish farewells and Kaytlin watched with a sense of disdain and confusion as her contact waltzed away, the hem of his long coat fluttered, following behind it's wearer subdued by the welcome breeze. Just before disappearing around a corner he turned and caught Kaytlin's watchful gaze before calling out to her. [i]"Oh and, don't fuck this up!"[/i] The words resounded around the area, echoing loud and clear for the woman who now stood alone. She couldn't help but take note of how eerie the place was when no one was around or, more accurately, when most were holed up to avoid the isolated instances of conflict scattered throughout the city. At a loss, Kaytlin took a moment to release her own handheld from the confines of her coat pocket and began to look over the notes she had been given by her mysterious and equally reserved handler. [i]He really wasn't kidding.[/i] She thought as she scrutinized the mostly barren files - the events that unfolded were clear enough yet, from just a first glance Kaytlin was seeing discrepancies in reports as well as finer details. Overall it seemed mostly useless but, perhaps closer inspection and study of the dossier would provide some answers or, at least, clues.