Elle lifted her head when the sound of something being set on the table before her thudded softy, looking at the innkeeper who simply flashed her a smile as she walked away without a word. She looked down at the roast chicken and leeks on the wooden plate before her and her stomach growled when the smell hit her nose, reminding her how hungry she was. She refrained from digging in for a moment, noticing that Nil had not yet returned, and elected to pick up her plate and move to the kitchen, peering around the door way to see him seated by the fire. She hesitated a moment; she wanted to ask him what he planned on doing next, specifically, if he was going to leave her, but she didn't know how to bring it up without sounding weird or clingy. Honestly, she had grown pretty attached to him, and as of right now, he was basically her only friend in all of Skyrim and she was terrified of taking on all of this alone. She didn't know what to do, and while he may not either, maybe he would at least have some insight. Sure, she could throw a few fireballs and conjure a familiar, but as far as power went, he knew far more about wielding it than she did. But she couldn't ask that of him, he had no loyalty to her or any reason to risk his neck for her. Still, she didn't plan on just letting him go so quickly. They may have been unwillingly thrown together at Helgen, but after all they had endured together in such a short time, well, that had to count for something at least. With a small exhale she stepped into the room and pulled up a stool beside her taller companion and sat down, eyes on the coals. [color=00B2EE]"Hi,"[/color] she greeted, planning on saying more, but at the moment, that's all she could manage. There was a lot to talk about and she didn't know where to start, or even if she had the energy to begin such a conversation. [color=00B2EE]"I- um,"[/color] she paused, setting her plate on her lap wringing her hands for a moment before glancing over at him, [color=00B2EE]"Where do you think you'll go from here?"[/color] she asked slowly, her tone suggesting that she was afraid she knew the answer. At the very beginning of their acquaintance, he wanted nothing more than to go back to wherever it really was he hailed from, but now she was having a hard time getting a read on him. There was no earthly reason he could have wanted to continue following her around, he certainly had nothing to gain from it. He had made his disdain for mortals clear, so why he had continued to help her help the people of Skyrim was a mystery to her.