[color=00aeef][u][b]Old Longfellow - Mariner's Shack[/b][/u] [/color] "Goddamnit didn't your mother ever tell you not to interrupt when adults are talking?" Longfellow barked back at the interruption, his speech a bit slurred, "And what do I look like anyway the Harbormaster? Huh? Just about everyone in town has got at a dinghy down there. But if you're going out to make more trouble with those cultists, then leave me out of it. Go bother someone else. Town's got enough trouble as it is." Longfellow also happened to notice the look of recognition that two mainlanders shared between them, but decided to let that go for now. Wasn't any of his business.. He looked back at the Brotherhood man and listened as he explained who and what The Brotherhood were. Something about technology and weapons and flying contraptions. None of it really made sense to Longfellow but the man seemed to know what he was talking about in any case, "Bird? Flying machines? Just what the hell kind of group is this?" Longfellow replied with a skeptical eye, "You know what? Nevermind. Not sure I want to know more. You'll have to talk with the rest of the townsfolk if you want help with that equipment though. Frankly, I don't think you're going to get many takers. Nobody is too keen on going out into the Fog right now. Especially after what happened this morning..." [i] “Now your turn. What’s the story of Far Harbor, and the cult threatening you?”[/i] Longfellow gave a chuckle and sighed, shaking his now empty flask before tucking it away, "Son we're going to need alot more whiskey for that kind of story. But the short of it is this: The Fog has been on the island as long as anyone can remember. Didn't used to be as bad though, but lately its gotten much, much worse. You saw those odd glowing contraptions outside of town right? Well those are called condensers. Fella by the name of DiMA gave them to us awhile back to help keep back the Fog. Well now DiMA and his whole group are long gone and the town's hanging by a thread without their help. And now all of a sudden we got this crazy cult to contend with that nobody has ever seen before and to top it all off the critters on this island are starting to grow three or four times their regular sizes. Getting bigger and bigger every day it seems. Folks are scared...real scared. Scared of the cultists and scared of the island. And I don't say I blame them. " "You ask what's the story of Far Harbor friend?" Longfellow chuckled again, "Its one that doesn't have a happy ending. That's what." Suddenly Longfellow was interrupted once again by someone coming in from the docks. The old man was about to really let this one have it as well when the Harborman told him that Doc Wright had sent for him down at the docks. Strange considering that he'd spoken to the doctor only minutes ago, "Alright, alright I'm goin'," Longfellow said, standing up, "Listen stranger, I still don't know if I understand this Brotherhood you're with, but if you're not looking to harm us, then I've got no beef with you. If you want to stay in Far Harbor awhile, tell Mitch over in the Last Plank to set you up with a room and a bed for a few days. Tell him Longfellow's good for it. He'll know what you mean. He owes me a few favors...think of it as my way of recompensing for the ill welcome." With that Longfellow walked off and down towards the harbor. [color=00aeef][b]-Far Harbor Boat Docks-[/b][/color] "Teddy just what the hell is all the commotion about?" Longfellow bellowed as he came down the steps past the curious onlookers who were still trying to figure out what was going on. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the dead body, "Oh." He said simply. "Wh-what...what is...but he just..." Corrine clutched her stomach and spun around, grasping Teddy by the arm. "What happened?" Teddy motioned for Corrine and Longfellow to come close, and then his whispered under his breath, "Right now everyone is thinking he drowned. But I examined him, and he didn't die from a long dip in the ocean. He was dead or dying before he even hit the water. Someone sliced his throat almost to the bone. I thought it best if we didn't tell everyone just yet...don't want to start a panic after all. People start thinking there's cultists all around, and folks are paranoid enough as it is...we don't want to give them more cause to lash out at people." "Can't keep that up forever Ted," Longfellow said disapprovingly, "Folks got a right to know." "I know...I know," The Doc said shaking his head, "But its just temporary. Just until we can figure out what..." "LET ME THROUGH! LET ME THROUGH GODDAMNIT!" The angry voice of a woman broke through the crowd and shortly afterward, Rose came barreling down the steps towards her dead partner. Teddy was about to stop her before Longfellow intervened, "That's her friend Ted, let er' go." Rose keeled down and examined Bishop's dead body. She shook her head sorrowfully as she noticed the knife wound and stood up angrily, stamping her foot with such force that she cracked the rickety wooden boards on the docks, "Bastards...I knew it. I knew they were here somehow. They must have tracked us from The Commonwealth. Tracked us the whole damn time." "Who's here?" Teddy asked both confused and shocked by the woman's reaction. "Something alot worse than those cultists," Rose snapped back, "The Institute."