[h3]Bethany Fridumar[/h3] "Uuuuugh..." Bethany's head was spinning, and she was really starting to hope that she didn't suddenly lose the cookies she'd taste-tested. She hadn't expected the Kaleidoscope whatsit to be so... [i]Unpleasant[/i], really. Hopefully she'd get used to it, but for now it took all her will to stay on her feet and keep the contents of her stomach inside. Taking a deep breath, she unconsciously leaned against the closest source of support. Said closest source turned out to be her Servant, and as soon as she realized just what she was doing her cheeks went rather red. "Ah, um, Arturia, I didn't... Um... S-sorry, um, I, um, sorry!" And yet for all her apologising, she didn't budge an inch... At least, not until Atalanta filled the sky with arrows. Snapping out of her fatigue, she was finally able to take a look at the situation, and was somewhat glad the Archer had decided to quickly deal with those skeleton warriors. So this was Ancient Greece? That would make this the Age of Gods, a time where magecraft was vastly more powerful than back in the modern day, which made her realize she wasn't going to be much help here. After all, what's the value of formalcraft versus... Well, pretty much [i]anything[/i] this age could deal out? At least she had Arturia to protect her, although the thought made her cheeks turn red again. [hr] [h3]Berserker - Frankenstein's Monster[/h3] Berserker had remained still and silent all through the Wizard Marshall's debriefing, the only indication that she was actually still alive being the occasional blink as she stared at the lights. Did there really need to be so many? It seemed like a waste of electricity, really. Humans were so inconsiderate with natural resources... And in general, seeing how her Master had complained about how close she had been to her. As abrasive and offputting as she was, Yumi [i]was[/i] her Master, and as a Servant it was her duty to protect her. And the best way to do so was to stick as close to her as possible, even if her Master didn't seem to understand such basic logic. How many times had she yelled at her to get out of the bathroom? Hopefully she'd make Yumi understand eventually. After all, she didn't want her to end up as inconsiderate and illogical as her creator. Maybe if she actually [i]talked[/i] to her Master a bit more she'd make her understand, but... It was just so uncomfortable to talk so casually, or so much. And they were Master and Servant, which meant that they really should be able to understand each other without having to talk much. It only made sense. [hr] And so did Berserker set foot in Ancient Greece, immediately becoming the most anachronistic thing in the immediate vicinity. After all, in such an age of high magic, surely a creature so steeped in alchemy and science was [i]incredibly[/i] out of place. If she'd suffered any ill effects from the Kaleidoscope World Altar she didn't show it, as she stepped out no more awkwardly than she usually did. ...And immediately upon seeing the plume of smoke and the skeletal adversaries, she raised her colossal mace, electricity sparking from the apparatus on her head as she stepped in front of Yumi. One of the other Servants had seen fit to fire a barrage of arrows at the undead foes, but Berserker didn't want to take any chances. If anything else came near, she would be ready.