Katherine didn't really like how Stefan was treating Felix, she remained polite, however. She frowned a little, but forced it away, replacing it with a light smile, "He...he did yes...I doubt I could've made it here alone, considering we [i]were[/i] attacked. And I suppose you're right. Some time to rest might be a good idea. It is a long road ahead after all..." She didn't like it, but it seemed there wasn't much choice. Kathy did wonder how the man could've been so unprepared for her, though. It was a bit odd. The man would've had at least a day or two, depending on how long it took Emmerich's letter to get here. Would it really have taken that long to gather up some men and prepare a wagon? Granted it is a longer trek to the mountains than it was to Stefan's manor. Was he just lazy? Regardless, something was a little off about Stefan. He seemed polite enough, though. Well, to her anyway.