Stefan crinkled his nose slightly. "Surely you can understand a bit of adherence to propriety," he sighed. "Still, I am but a humble servant before you, so if it is what you wish, I've little choice but to concede, Lady Katherine." He shook his head as he walked off. Felix crossed his arms once the man had left. "What an ass..." He mumbled to himself. "I really hope that guy doesn't pull anything funny..." He sighed. "Oh, before I forget," Stefan's voice came, causing Felix to stand up straight. "[i]Captain[/i]?" He asked with an odd tone. "Yes?" Felix replied. "This letter arrived for you from Prima." Stefan handed over a rolled up scroll, then left once more. "... Hmph..." Felix sighed, opening the scroll. "Ah..." He frowned, looking to Katherine. "Hey, Kate... Emmerich wants me back to Prima on the double..."