Wincing as a few splinters from Axe's assault found their way onto the deck, some brushing against the Vice-Admirals face, she glanced around, muttering, "No one's gonna stop it? We only half half a dozen officers on board..." Letting out a reluctant sigh, Fryeja tapped her foot to the ground, realigning her shoes, before taking off in a blur, leaping off the deck. One arm gripping the side of the ship, fingertips weaseling their way in between a pair of boards, she found a position that she could only hold for a brief few seconds. That was all she needed. With her other arm, she drew her sword, taking a breath as the prow hurtled towards the Marine vessel. Holding her blade horizontally, shrouding it with Haki, she braced herself as the Scrapyard vessel collided with her. Freyja's back elbow ran against the hull of the Marine ship, Haki protecting her as she took the brunt of the force, wincing as she strained herself to keep the Mirana from taking too much damage. There was a loud groan from the Scrapyard ship as it came too it's sudden halt, some unprepared underlings taking a tumble from the slightly quicker than expected stop. Their momentum was halted, for the moment, but as her body was under duress, Freyja wasn't exactly in the position to give the order for counterattack. The first response did come quickly, however, the cannon team unleashing on the seemingly stunned Scrapyard Pirates. But as predicted, the more experienced members on board had no trouble dealing with the volley, but any advantaged they'd planned from their ramming tactic had been rendered null.